OTB News

News about or related to OTB:


John Tibbitt's picture

50 years and counting: the future of community councils in Scotland | JOHN TIBBITT from Policies for Places

Community Councils in Scotland were created by the Local Government (Scotland) Act of 1973 as the most local statutory tier of local government in Scotland, and intended as a bridge between local communities and local authorities. The legislation which founded community councils remains unaltered today despite major changes in the structure of local government in the intervening years, which has seen the removal of regional and district councils and the creation of 32 unitary local authorities in their place.

John Holford's picture

Professor J.E. (Teddy) Thomas, 1933-2023

Former Dean of the Faculty of Education and Pro-Vice-Chancellor at the university, Professor J.E. (Teddy) Thomas, passed away aged 89 on Tuesday 11 July 2023. A major figure in adult education nationally and internationally, he served as Reader and later Robert Peers Professor of Adult Education at the University of Nottingham, as well as Deputy Head and Head of the Department of Adult Education.

John Tibbitt's picture

Learning shops on the High Street | JOHN TIBBITT from Policies for Places

Recently I attended a seminar at Glasgow Caledonian University, organized in memory of the late Professor Jim Gallacher, formerly Professor of Lifelong Learning at the University. Professor Gallacher’s main interests on which he published widely were in the fields of widening access to higher education, the role of colleges of further education and the transition from further to higher education.  The seminar heard from several speakers who offered up-to-date perspectives on these issues and particularly on efforts to recognize the benefits of pathways to higher education through further education.

Sharyn Wheatcroft's picture

Invitation to ALCN Friday Forum “Lifelong Learning for Life and Work” co-hosted by RMIT

Sep 22 2023 15:00
Australia  Australia

You are invited to register for the ALCN, Wyndham, Melton, and RMIT University online forum about Lifelong Learning for Life and Work. Presentations by George Osborne, Manager Economic Development, Hume City Council, and Maren Klein, Research Fellow EU Centre of Excellence, RMIT  will explore this topic from a practical and theoretical perspective.

Carlien Roux's picture

Marketing Cities for Investment hosted by Prof Zhechev

Prof Zhechev visited the University of Johannesburg and PASCAL (Africa) from the 21 to the 26 of August 2023.

Prof Vladimir Zhechev has earned his Ph.D. in Marketing (Brand Management) and currently holds the position of Head of the Department of Marketing and Erasmus+ institutional coordinator at UE-Varna (Bulgaria). He has worked as a consultant at GMSE (General Motors Southeast Europe) and has successfully completed over 10 European projects in the fields of: higher education, hospitality management, branding, marketing, student mobility, and others.