Pascal Events

Steve Rubin's picture

7th PASCAL Observatory International Conference – Community Engagement and Service: The Third Mission of Universities (Vancouver, Canada) - Deadline for Abstracts 15 February 2009'

May 18 2009 00:00
May 21 2009 00:14

Vancouver, Canada - The University of British Columbia 

Call for papers, panels, and poster sessions

Deadline for Abstracts 15 February 2009

This conference will bring together academic researchers, teachers and administrators as well as practitioners, professionals, policy analysts and makers in order to explore and showcase research and practice of what in North America is called ‘Service to the Community’. Although newly discovered by some universities, service to the community has a long tradition in others and, in many cases, is recognized as an explicit mandate in the university charter. Service is understood to be the third mission of universities, alongside Teaching and Research. Service and community engagement takes many different forms. Examples are community-based research and learning, assistance in regional development, continuing and community education, technology transfer, and other forms of knowledge sharing and cooperation. 

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Learning Regions, Learning Cities for the Information Society and For Economic Development (Catania, Italy)

Jan 12 2008 00:00

Catania, Italy

Event Information

To view the program for this event please visit:

Catania - Italy.pdf (3.6Mb)


Steve Rubin's picture

Virtual Conference: (Re) Presenting Community 2007

Oct 8 2007 00:00
Nov 2 2007 00:00

Southern Queensland, Australia

Event Information

The University of Southern Queensland in Australia has initiated this conference and is joined by Stirling University in Scotland and Massey University in New Zealand in presenting it. This conference brings together a number of people who have had considerable experience in using information and communication technologies in educational and community settings. Their experience has led them to think innovatively about the ways in which we might open up the potential that information and communication technologies offer learning communities in a range of settings.

Steve Rubin's picture

6th PASCAL Observatory International Conference - Lifelong Learning's Role in Regional Development and Re-Generation (Limerick, Ireland)

May 28 2008 00:00
May 30 2008 00:00

Limerick, Ireland

Event Information

PENR3L and PASCAL are combining forces to organise one of 2008’s most important conferences covering the issues of Regional Development, Social Capital and Regeneration. The conference will have the twin goals of the dissemination of the findings of the PENR3L project and to showcase the latest research findings of the PASCAL Observatory. The central themes of Regional Development, Learning Regions, Social Capital and Regeneration have been the central areas of investigation for the PENR3L Project and are the pivotal strands of the PASCAL Observatory.

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A Key Workshop for European Learning Cities and Regions

Oct 25 2007 00:00
Oct 26 2007 00:00

Barcelona, Spain

Event Information

Great changes and great challenges lie ahead for Local and Regional Government. Modern cities and regions recognise that continuing development depends upon effective management of a number of interlinked economic, financial, social, cultural, environmental and community issues.

The PENR3L website is at:
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5th PASCAL Observatory International Conference - Life-Long Learning in the City-Region

Sep 23 2007 00:00
Sep 25 2007 00:00

Pécs, Hungary

Event Information

The PASCAL Observatory on Place Management, Social Capital and Learning Regions invites contributions to an international conference on the theme of ‘Lifelong Learning in the City-Region’. This fifth international conference to be hosted by PASCAL has developed from a number of research and development projects that have been carried out by partners within the Observatory and which focus on the city and the region as a context for lifelong learning.

The aim of the conference is to review issues which have emerged from research and practice undertaken with a focus on the role of lifelong learning at the regional or city level whether it be with an economic or a social goal.

Steve Rubin's picture

4th PASCAL Observatory International Conference - Building Stronger Communities

Jul 13 2006 00:00
Jul 14 2006 00:00

Melbourne, Australia

Event Information

The fourth international conference hosted by the PASCAL Observatory aims to examine the roles played by place management, social capital and learning regions in building stronger communities, through the themes of New Learnings, Better Governance and Future Directions. The Conference will consider issues concerned with governance and implications for learning and social capital. It will look at how researchers and practitioners can partner to learn, evaluate, extend and deepen good practice.

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