Lore Arthur
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I am German by background but have spent all my professional life in the UK. I and until recently Senior Lecturer (Lifelong Learning) at the Open University, Milton Keynes, UK, teaching mainly with postgraduate students on aspects of Lifelong Learning. In addition, I have researched and published widely around lifelong learning, work-life balance, citizenship education, higher education, research methods in education and international and comparative education.
I now work as an independent research consultant (education) supervising doctoral students and am an Associate of the Centre for Research on Higher Education and Information at the Open University. In addition, I am involved with UK National Commission for UNESCO in London, mainly on the presentation of their annual Global Monitoring Report to the UK.
My expertise is very diverse and not easy to summarise but centres mainly around aspects of lifelong learning which includes reflective practices, policies, vocational education and training, learning theories and professional development. I have at various times been invited as an ‘expert’ by policy makers in Germany and elsewhere to discuss UK lifelong learning policies, quality assurance, graduate employability and aspects of the Bologna process.
Furthermore, I was chair of the British Association of International and Comparative Education (2008-10) and chair of the editorial board of Compare, its peer-reviewed journal. My expertise includes writing and editing journal articles and chapters in books.
Lifelong learning, higher education, and international comparative education and research methods in education.
Qualitative research, writing and editing, chairing of committees/working parties.
Between 2003 and 2007 I was a member of REFLEX (The Flexible Professional in the Knowledge Society), funded by the European Commission Framework VI Programme and several national funding bodies, co-ordinated by the University of Maastricht, involving 16 European countries and Japan. The project consisted of graduate surveys five years after graduation, country reports and a qualitative study within five European countries on the relationship between higher education and the labour market. I was specifically responsible for conducting interviews and focus groups in Norway and Germany with senior stakeholders and policy makers in higher education and labour market; and for writing the final report. http://reflexproject.org. I still research and publish in this area.Senior Lecturer (Lifelong Learning) at the Open University in the UK, a distance teaching university, course team chair and academic co-ordinator for Lifelong Learning on the Professional Doctorate Programme in Education.
I have been involved with the British Association for International and Comparative Education for over a ten year, initially as treasurer, then as vice chair (2006-08) and chair (2008-10). I continue to be a member of that organisation http://www.baice.ac.uk . In this capacity I was also chair of the editorial board of Compare, its professional journal, with overall responsibilities for academic standing, finances, appointments and liaison with the publisher.
I am currently a member of the executive committee of UKFIET (United Kingdom Forum for Education and Training http://www.ukfiet.org.uk, as well as a member of the EFA working party of the UK UNESCO National Commission.
Little, B, and Arthur, L. (2010) Less time to study, less well prepared for work, yet satisfied with higher education: A UK perspective in links between higher education and the labour market, in Journal of Education and Work, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp275-290
Arthur, L. (2008) Networking and intercultural communication: postmodern challenges for international comparative adult education in Comparative Adult Education (eds. J. Reischmann, M. Bron), Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt.
Arthur, L. Brennan J., de Weert, E. (2007) Employer and higher education perspectives on graduates in the knowledge society, A report from the European Commission Framework VI project:” The Flexible Professional in the Knowledge Society, Centre for Higher Education Research and Information, The Open University.
Arthur, L. (2007) Lifelong learning: Issues, trends and challenges in the UK, in International Yearbook of Adult Education, University of Cologne, Boehlau Verlag.
Arthur, L. Brennan, J., Hick R., and M. Kimura (2007) The Context of higher education and employment: a comparison between different European countries. REFLEX Report to HEFCE, 2007, CHERI, The Open University
Arthur L; (2006) Higher Education and the Knowledge Society: issues, challenges and responses in Norway and Germany in Research in Comparative and International Education Vol. 1. (2).
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