Hans Schuetze's blog

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Digitalization of Higher Education - what is changing?

The answer to this question: Everything.

What and how Higher Education is changing, or already has changed, will be explored in more detail by the next of the annual International HER (Higher Education Reform) conferences in Mexico City on Sept 11th to 13th.  For details see https://her2019.cinvestav.mx/

Below a short abstract of some of the themes that will be addressed:

Hans Schuetze's picture

Trump's entry ban - What can we do as individual academics?

There is world wide shock, protests and discussion about president Trump's entry ban for Muslims from some seven Middle East countries. While the justification given for this measure is the prevention of terrorism in the US many academics and their professional associations as well as universities are protesting this ban pointing out what this means in terms of human rights, international collaboration and individual academic freedom, see for example http://news.stanford.edu/2017/01/28/community-letter-stanford-leadership...

Hans Schuetze's picture

Paris Symposium in honour of Jarl Bengtsson, co-founder and first chair of the PASCAL Board - 9 April Paris

This is a reminder that there will be a Symposium in honour of Jarl Bengtsson which will take place in Paris  on April 9. All PASCAL-ers  who can make it there are welcome (because of limited space please inform Mike Osborne or Hans Schuetze of your intention). A poster and program are featured below and attached.

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