5th PASCAL Observatory International Conference - Life-Long Learning in the City-Region

Steve Rubin's picture
Sep 23 2007 00:00
Sep 25 2007 00:00

Pécs, Hungary

Event Information

The PASCAL Observatory on Place Management, Social Capital and Learning Regions invites contributions to an international conference on the theme of ‘Lifelong Learning in the City-Region’. This fifth international conference to be hosted by PASCAL has developed from a number of research and development projects that have been carried out by partners within the Observatory and which focus on the city and the region as a context for lifelong learning.

The aim of the conference is to review issues which have emerged from research and practice undertaken with a focus on the role of lifelong learning at the regional or city level whether it be with an economic or a social goal.

The conference is designed to appeal to researchers, policy-makers and practitioners. On the one hand it invites researchers to examine contemporary research issues empirically, methodologically and theoretically; on the other it invites those whose primary concern is practice and its implementation to share their experiences with us. A number of leading figures from the international research and policy-making communities have been invited to provide an analysis of the issues emerging from research and practice.

Papers from a wide range of researchers, policy-makers and practitioners will complement these keynote presentations. We are especially interested in papers that address a ‘community’ perspective. A number of ‘roundtable’ sessions will allow for debate and discussion on particular topics. The conference will provide a forum for critical and analytical perspectives to inform practice, policy and research in these areas. In addition to the conference proceedings, papers will be considered for a proposed book based on the themes of the conference.

The location for the conference is Pécs in Southern Hungary.

Submitting an abstract
The deadline for submitting an abstract is Friday 30 March 2007 We welcome submission of abstracts for individual papers and demonstration projects illustrating good practice, which are focused on one or more of the conference themes. These may include reporting on policy development, innovative practice, research in progress or completed research, methodological issues, theoretical issues or conceptual issues. We particularly welcome papers that have an international comparative dimension.

Abstracts must be sent to: Prof. Balázs Németh Faculty of Adult Education and Human Resources Development University of Pécs 7633, Szántó Kovács 1/B. Pécs, Hungary e-mail: [email protected]

For further information you may download the conference brochure.  It includes information on:

Who should attend
Conference theme and submission of abstracts
Submitting an abstract
Outline programme - Keynote Speakers
Travelling and event information
Registration form


Conference Images

Pécs Conference Image 1  (JPG file, 224 KB)
Pécs Conference Image 2  (JPG file, 210 KB)


Conference Report to follow soon


PASCAL Conference Brochure FINAL 2007.pdf441.55 KB
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