Cluster Conference in Karlstad

Anders Olsson's picture
Feb 8 2011
Feb 9 2011
CCC, Congress and Culture Center in Karlstad
Tage Erlandergatan 10 E

The National Cluster Conference in Karlstad is arranged by Region Värmland, Region Dalarna, Region Gävleborg and The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA. The conference gathers politicians and officials, innovation agencies, cluster leaders and representatives from universities and colleges for a dialogue about how to jointly contribute to developing regions.

This year's national cluster conference will focus on internationalization by cluster organizations for improved Swedish innovation climate. Today, there are a variety of public actors who work to support internationalization. At the conference, visitors will benefit from examples from companies and organizations that succeeded in internationalization and their views on what is needed in a new national innovation strategy that can bring new vigor to all Swedish regions.


Seminar 2: How can cluster research and on going evaluation be transformed into learning and knowledge products

Feb 8, 14:00-15:00 and Feb 9, 10:00-11:00

There is often a gap between theory and practise and researchers. In this seminar we want to adress the question: What can be learnt from practise? And how can scientists from observations draw conclusions and transform this into new knowledge into learning products; seminars, public debate and training courses. We are happy to present Mrs Madeline Smith from Scotland part of European Cluster Observatory Advisory Board and creator of a new model, loop learning, for cluster organisations as a chair for the seminar. We have also three professors in the seminar; Lee Miles representing Karlstad university, Steve Garlick representing Pascal International Observatory and Göran Brulin representing Tillväxtverket in Stockholm.


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