University engagement for sustainable regions: Developing a grounded economy

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Pat Inman's picture
Joined: May 7 2010
University engagement for sustainable regions: Developing a grounded economy

PASCAL is an organization of universities engaging regions in the development of sustainable economies through definition of place, articulation of issues and connection to learning opportunities to address these.  Learning opportunities include both formal and informal venues.

For this discussion a sustainable economy is based on five key assumptions:

  • Healthy food should be the right for everyone and not the privilege of a few.
  • Environmental health must ground all entrepreneurial initiatives.
  • Educational initiatives provide the means for cultural growth.
  • Increasing meaningful employment within communities supports dignity for individuals and families
  • Indigenous knowledge is an integral part of the culture and history of a local community. 

The challenge in sustainable development is to develop curriculum and research in the context of relationship to people and planet.  This as opposed to an earlier agenda of economic development at any cost.  Regional policy allows a way to organize research for this complex agenda.  Such an economy is grounded in local resources and less susceptible to the vagaries of “global” development, grows more slowly as it addresses multiple issues, but requires less of an investment as smaller entrepreneurial initiatives ground economic activity and so allows more room for all.  Collaboration and networking play an important part as smaller initiatives depend of shared resources.

James Powell's picture
Joined: May 7 2010
Sustainability and Resiliance

In Salford and Manchester local groups have started to work together under titles like 'Incredibly Edible' to develop food for themselves and others. Pensioners are working with young people who cultivate their gardens, grow vegetables, and share the produce - a win win for all which clearly also leads to social cross generational benefits. Peoples Voice Media also publicises these developments on their social media which leads to cultivators learning how to do things better and to other forms of sustainability.


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