Budd Hall's blog

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150th Anniversary of birth of Gandhi-ji

We are organizing a series of events in celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the birth of Gandhi-ji.  We will be holding a major event in India close to the October 2 date, but we are inviting all those interested to consider marking this date in some way, with a talk, a publication, a symposium or something still more creative. What does the life of Gandhi mean for the world today, for higher education, and knowledge democracy?

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The 6th Big Tent Communique - The Catania Statement

Featured below and attached please find the Catania Statement, the Sixth Big Tent Global Communique on Higher Education and Engagement released on October 9th in the City of Catania, Sicily, Italy at the University of Catania on the occasion of the 12th Annual Conference of the PASCAL International Observatory.

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From the idea of Europe to a Europe of ideas: A colonial reflection

Anya Topolski posted a blog on Open Democracy titled From the idea of Europe to a Europe of ideas on May 24 .  In her blog, a contribution to the extensive discussions on-going about a Europe to-be in a time of crisis, she made the following statements:

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