34th EUCEN Conference - The University as a Regional Actor: Partnerships for Professional Development in Europe

Steve Rubin's picture
Nov 29 2007 00:00
Dec 1 2007 00:00

Hannover, Germany

EUCEN has taken up objectives for the creation of a European area of higher education for the development of University Continuing Education (UCE):

- excellence of teaching and research according to international standards
- international student mobility
- suitable changes of university structures promoting LLL
- output and work related learning content for the promotion of employability.

This conference at Hannover will focus on the latter two objectives. LLL and employability, even though subject of a European strategy, must be promoted in the regional context.

 For more information you may visit the 34th EUCENC's conference website at:  http://www.wa.uni-hannover.de/eucen/

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