Non Pascal Events

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6th International Workshop on Higher Education Reforms

Nov 9 2009 00:00
Nov 11 2009 00:00

This event will be an opportunity to promote debate and the exchange of research experiences, while at the same time providing a space to create and broaden collaborative networks of higher education researchers and practitioners across the globe. The Workshop will focus on the recent changes and reform policies concerning the role of the State and the growing importance of the market in higher education.

Steve Rubin's picture

Regulatory Quality and Higher Education: What is the connection?

Oct 9 2009 15:00
Oct 9 2009 17:00

Glasgow, United Kindom

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Well-being, Happiness and Lifelong Learning

Jun 1 2009 10:30
Jun 1 2009 12:45

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

The Inquiry into the Future for Lifelong Learning (IFLL), sponsored by NIACE, is holding an initial programme of dissemination seminars in the run up to the launch of its final report on 17 September.

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A Learning Region Approach for Developing Sustainable Ports

Apr 23 2009 00:00
Apr 24 2009 00:00

Ghent, Belgium

University of Ghent

Chair of the PASCAL Observatory’s Advisory Board, Jarl Bengtsson, will be contributing to a roundtable at the international workshop in Ghent, A Learning Region Approach for Developing Sustainable Ports on 23/24 April.  For more details of the event see the attachment below.

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Human Rights and Citizenship Education

Jul 10 2009 00:00

London, United Kingdom,

University of London

This conference is the third to be held under the auspices of the International Centre for Education for Democratic Citizenship, a joint centre of Birkbeck College and the Institute of Education, both of the University of London. It will bring together national and international researchers, policy makers and education professionals from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines. Keynote speakers:

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ISA International Housing Conference

Sep 1 2009 00:00
Sep 4 2009 00:00

Glasgow, United Kingdom

University of Glasgow

The University of Glasgow's Department of Urban Studies is delighted to announce that it will host the 2009 ISA RC43 Housing conference. This conference was last held in Toronto in 2004 and will take place from 1-4 September 2009.

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WHAN Conference 2009

Mar 27 2009 10:00
Mar 27 2009 15:00

Glasgow, United Kingdom

WHAN - the Working in Health Access Network - followed on from its pilot in 2006 to develop collaborative awareness raising work - focussed on careers and study in healthcare and the health sciences - in four devolved areas across Scotland.  The partners were 12 Universities, 13 colleges and careers, certification and widening access agencies.  Almost one hundred schools are involved with WHAN and its evaluation materials have been distributed to over 15,000 pupils.

The keynote addresses at the WHAN conference will focus on the future we expect to see in building capacity, skills and evidence-led expertise in healthcare staffing.  The challenge to the Conference is to discuss and debate how the lessons from WHAN can assist in attaining this future vision.  Participants will be involved in considering the quickening pace of change we can now see affecting healthcare services, the healthcare workforce and the education, training and development of these professionals.

Please see attachment for further information about the conference.

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Further Education, Higher Education and the English Experiment

Apr 30 2009 14:00
Apr 30 2009 16:00

Glasgow, United Kingdom

University of Glasgow

Drawing on the findings of a two-year ESRC-funded study of Universal Access and Dual Regimes of Further and Higher Education, the paper will examine the impact of a two-sector system of further and higher education on strategies to widen participation in English undergraduate education. Why have efforts to expand higher education in further education settings stalled? What are the implications for democratisation of access and diversion of demand? 

Please see attachment for further details.

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Teachers and Trainers in Lifelong Learning: Professional Development in Asia and Europe - German Institute of Adult Education

Jun 29 2009 00:00
Jun 30 2009 00:00

Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

This conference will focus on teachers and trainers working in lifelong learning and on their professional development:  What competences are needed in future by people working in the field of life-long learning? What pathways of professionalisation are available to them in Europe and Asia?  Wahat are the actual efects of teacher training?  What are the specific responsibilities of ACE teachers and trainers?  At the conference, we inted to exchange and compare findings, current research results, best practice and views on the situation of the personnel working in Lifelong Learning in Asian and in European countries.

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ESREA: European Society for Research on the Education of Adults

Nov 6 2009 00:00
Nov 8 2009 00:00

Thessaloniki, Greece

University of Macedonia

Call for Papers 

What does quality mean, and how can it be assessed in the context of educating the adult educator and trainer in Europe today?  This is the main theme of the inaugural network meeting.  Quality is considered as a prerequisite for sustainable development in our societies, because it upholds and conveys the ideals of a sustainable world, by taking into consideraton the social, economic and environmental context. 

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