Non Pascal Events

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Happiness and capability: measurement, theory and policy

Aug 22 2008 00:00


Njimengen, Netherlands

What is well-being? The list of answers—all potentially correct—may be daunting, ask any social scientist or humanities researcher working on the topic. Few other concepts lie at this juncture between the social sciences and humanities. The challenging task of answering what it is notwithstanding, well-being, across all disciplines, has never before been such a popular topic in academia. Indeed, the number of publications and specialist journals speaks for itself.

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Social Norms

Jul 14 2008 00:00
Jul 17 2008 00:00

San Sebastian, Spain

The aim of this year Summer School is to introduce participants to the vast research that is taking place in the area of Social Norms. From philosophy and psychology to evolutionary game theory and experimental economics, recent work on social norms is shedding light on why and under what circumstances people engage in pro-social behavior, and how norms may emerge, stabilize or decay. Please note that the deadline for submitting an abstract is January 31st, 2008.

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The Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra and Raploch Youth Music Project

Dec 18 2007 15:00
Dec 18 2007 18:00

Stirling, Scotland

The University of Stirling will be hosting an informative seminar on the Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra project.  It is a project that aims to use an innovative methodology called ‘El Sistema’ to teach classical music to children from very early ages. The project has been going on for more than 30 years in Venezuela This fantastic orchestra is indeed the flagship of an education system which gives 250,000 young people the chance to learn an instrument, getting them away from drugs, guns and crime in the shanty towns. The talented musicians of the National System of Venezuelan Youth and Children's Orchestras are a source of national pride, like football stars in other Latin American countries.

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1st International Lifelong Learning Conference, Lakehead University

Jun 24 2008 00:00
Jun 27 2008 00:00

Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada

This conference will provide a venue for the discussion of issues emerging from current initiatives and needs in local and regional socio-economic development, and opportunities to view these issues in light of international research, practice and implementation. The focus will be on better defining the roles that lifelong and lifewide learning can play in meeting local and regional socio-economic development goals, and the role that Lakehead University’s Department of Lifelong Learning in the Faculty Education and Confederation College may play in achieving these goals.

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BAICE Annual Conference 2008

Sep 4 2008 00:00
Sep 6 2008 00:00

Glasgow, United Kingdom

For updated information, please check  the BAICE website:

In this conference the theme of internationalisation and its multiple meanings will be explored for governments, universities, further education providers, schools and other education agencies. To what degree is internationalisation merely a convenient label for the commercial exploitation of education? Does internationalisation mean the same as globalisation? How is local culture compromised or enhanced by an emphasis on international education? How is difference configured into an international social, cultural, economic and educational agenda? Is the idea of social justice subservient to economic considerations in internationalisation discourse? These and other related questions will be explored throughout this 2008 Conference.

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34th EUCEN Conference

Nov 29 2007 00:00
Dec 1 2007 00:00

Hannover, Germany

EUCEN has taken up objectives for the creation of a European area of higher education in the field of university continuing education (UCE). The autumn conference 2007 at Hannover will focus the following two objectives of the Bologna process:

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4th International Conference on Research in Access and Developmental Education

Sep 24 2008 00:00
Sep 27 2008 00:00


San Juan, Puerto Rico

The purpose of the conference is to encourage an international dialog on topics related to research in access, developmental education, learning assistance and diversity in postsecondary education that promotes:

  • Current Research in the Field
  • Research-Based Classroom Techniques
  • Current Instructional Methods
  • Assessment Instruments
  • Research Activity
  • Professional Networking

 For more information please go to:


Steve Rubin's picture

Town and Gown - 1st Annual Conference of the University Network of the European Capitals of Culture

Oct 25 2007 00:00
Oct 26 2007 00:00

Sibiu, Romania

The University Network of the European Capitals of Culture (UNEECC) will hold its first Annual Conference in Sibiu, Romania hosted by the Lucian Blaga University, one of Romania’s most distinguished universities. The Conference will thus be held in a 2007 European Capital of Culture, where a city and its university are in the process of running a European Capital of Culture programme.

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Buildings, Landscape and Environment, 40th Anniversary Conference

Nov 24 2007 00:00

Scotland, United Kingdom

Steve Rubin's picture

CFP - AAG Boston: Geographies of Higher Education Reform

Apr 15 2008 00:00
Apr 19 2008 00:00

 Boston, Massachusetts, America

The last ten years represent a significant period of reform in higher education across the globe. For example, regional governments and university consortia have undertaken projects to improve the competitiveness and overall 'quality' of higher education systems (e.g. the European Higher Education Area, ASEAN University Network), national governments and higher education institutions are renewing investment in marketing strategies to attract fee-paying international students, strategic policy shifts have taken place to use universities as magnets to recruit high-skill labour and researchers, and new expectations are placed on the academy to respond to changing political economies (e.g., calls toward more policy-oriented or community-based research).  For more information on the conference you may go to:


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