1st International Lifelong Learning Conference, Lakehead University

Steve Rubin's picture
Jun 24 2008 00:00
Jun 27 2008 00:00

Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada

This conference will provide a venue for the discussion of issues emerging from current initiatives and needs in local and regional socio-economic development, and opportunities to view these issues in light of international research, practice and implementation. The focus will be on better defining the roles that lifelong and lifewide learning can play in meeting local and regional socio-economic development goals, and the role that Lakehead University’s Department of Lifelong Learning in the Faculty Education and Confederation College may play in achieving these goals.

Invited keynote speakers and presenters will provide new dimensions to our understanding of the evolving agendas for changing futures and transitions in lifelong learning. Different perspectives and models, and their related educational and policy implications, will be highlighted, along with the unique connections between lifelong learning, social capital and regional development. Participants will explore concepts and trends in lifelong learning related to their specific areas of interest, and will have opportunities to learn more about international perspectives in the field.

For more information, please go to:   http://www.theconferenceplanner.ca/lifelearning/

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