Non Pascal Events

Steve Rubin's picture

FACE 2009 - Towards a New Agenda for Lifelong Learning: Access, Diversity and Participation

Jul 1 2009 00:00
Jul 3 2009 00:00

Staffordshire University, United Kingdom

PASCAL Co-Director Professor Mike Osborne will be a Keynote Speaker at the FACE annual conference on 'Towards a New Agenda for Lifelong Learning: Access, Diversity and Participation'

Steve Rubin's picture

Learning in Later Life - Generational Cooporation

Apr 22 2009 00:00
Apr 26 2009 00:00

Larnaca, Cyprus

In the context of an ageing society young and old are more and more faced with new learning needs of older adults and vice versa. Older adults- even if they are not willing to learn-are forced to cope with the changes of modern life to keep social contacts. It brings chances and challenges, but also risks and threats for young and old. This unique situation in history of mankind requires learning process focused on ageing as well as focus on intergenerational links. This is a complete new challenge to adult educators, teachers, trainers, facilitators, as well as to learners and students from all ages. Special competencies are therefore needed.  

Deadline for applications to the National Agencies is 31 January 2009.

Contact: Klitos Symeonides, President of the Cyprus Adult Education Association (seminar-course manager)

Email: klitossy(at), tel.  00357-9..., fax 00357-22486714

For more information about the conference please see attachment.

Steve Rubin's picture

14th International Conference on Technology Supported Learning & Training

Dec 3 2008 00:00
Dec 5 2008 00:00

Berlin, Germany

ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN, the largest global e-learning conference for the corporate, education and public service sectors, is the key annual networking event for the international e-learning and technology-supported learning and training industry, attracting and bringing together experts in the vanguard of technology-enhanced learning from around the world. Participants forge essential cross-industry contacts and partnerships, thereby enhancing their knowledge and expertise.

Steve Rubin's picture

Workshop - Incentives and Infrastructure for Knowledge Mobilization

Jan 23 2009 08:00
Jan 23 2009 16:00

Ottawa, Canada

Knowledge Mobilization

Making what we know ready for service and action is a complex process.  We often have an overwhelming quantity of data and information with little meaning. Creating coherence and understanding is exciting, rewarding, and motivating.  It is also one of the most important things we can do in our knowledge-based society.

Steve Rubin's picture

37th EUCEN European Conference

Mar 26 2009 00:00
Mar 28 2009 00:00

Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium



University Lifelong Learning (ULLL) and University Continuing Education are emerging concepts and realities in European countries. As reported by the BeFlex report, the development of ULLL is slow: even if 56% of universities have a LLL policy or strategy, the implementation and the practice are complex and diverse.

Steve Rubin's picture

EAEA thematic conference on the Action Plan

Dec 2 2008 00:00

Budapest, Hungary

The European Union Action Plan on Adult Learning will be analysed and discussed in detail with high profile decisions makers and civil servants from the European Commission and national policy makers in education.

During the Conference there will have workshops on each of the five key messages.  They are:

Steve Rubin's picture

The Laboratory for Educational Theory

Jun 26 2009 00:00
Jun 27 2009 00:00

Stirling, UK
Stirling University

The purpose of the conference is to consider the role and significance of educational theory and how it has been understood and used within the field of lifelong learning.

  • What theories are drawn upon?
  • To what effects?
  • How is theory development changing?
  • What is the relationship between educational theory and theory development in other disciplines?
  • Is there a distinctive educational theory?
  • Does theory make a difference?
  • What constitutes a good theory?

For more information on the conference please see attachments. 

For information on The Laboratory for Educational theory see:

Andreas Fejes's picture

ESREA Research Network - Between Global and Local: Adult Learning and Development

May 28 2009 00:00
May 30 2009 00:00
University of Magdeburg, Turmschanzenstraße 15, 39114 Magdeburg, Germany

Magdeburg, Germany

The Magdeburg University

Second call for papers


Abstracts for papers/poster sessions/round tables should be submitted by 12th December 2008 to the conference organiser at: [email protected]  


The proposals will be blind reviewed by the scientific committee and acceptance will be confirmed by 16th January 2009.

Final papers (3000 - 5000 words) should be submitted by email by 27th March 2009.


Steve Rubin's picture

14th International Conference on Technology Supported Learning & Training

Dec 3 2008 00:00
Dec 5 2008 00:00

Berlin, Germany

This is the largest global e-learning conference for the corporate, education and public service sectors.

This year’s ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN wants YOU to get involved!

Steve Rubin's picture

Lifelong Learning Policy and Practice in Palestine

Nov 5 2008 13:30
Nov 5 2008 15:45

Glasgow, United Kingdom

The Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning (CRADALL) is holding a seminar to take place on Wednesday 5 November from 1.30pm to 3.45pm. The presentation entitled 'Lifelong Learning Policy and Practice in Palestine', will be presented by His Excellency Professor Manuel Hassassian, Ambassador of Palestine to the UK and Professor of International Politics and Relations at Bethlehem University. The seminar will be held in the Senate and Carnegie Rooms, Gilbert Scott Building, University of Glasgow.

The seminar will be followed by a Book Launch from 4pm to 5pm at the same venue when Professor Jean Barr’s newly published book entitled ‘The stranger within: On the idea of an educated public’, will be launched.

For more information you may contact: Joyce Lang (CRADALL) at [email protected]

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