EAEA thematic conference on the Action Plan

Steve Rubin's picture
Dec 2 2008 00:00

Budapest, Hungary

The European Union Action Plan on Adult Learning will be analysed and discussed in detail with high profile decisions makers and civil servants from the European Commission and national policy makers in education.

During the Conference there will have workshops on each of the five key messages.  They are:

  1. Analysing the effects of reforms in all sectors of education and training in Member States on adult learning
  2. Improving the quality of provisions in the adult learning sector
  3. Increasing the possibilities to go "one step up" - to achieve a qualification at least one level higher than before
  4. Speeding up the process of assessment of skills and social competences and have them validated and recognised in terms of learning outcomes
  5. improving the monitoring of the adult learning sector

For more information on the conference please visit:  http://www.eaea.org/events.php?aid=15782

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