Learning in Later Life - Generational Cooporation

Steve Rubin's picture
Apr 22 2009 00:00
Apr 26 2009 00:00

Larnaca, Cyprus

In the context of an ageing society young and old are more and more faced with new learning needs of older adults and vice versa. Older adults- even if they are not willing to learn-are forced to cope with the changes of modern life to keep social contacts. It brings chances and challenges, but also risks and threats for young and old. This unique situation in history of mankind requires learning process focused on ageing as well as focus on intergenerational links. This is a complete new challenge to adult educators, teachers, trainers, facilitators, as well as to learners and students from all ages. Special competencies are therefore needed.  

Deadline for applications to the National Agencies is 31 January 2009.

Contact: Klitos Symeonides, President of the Cyprus Adult Education Association (seminar-course manager)

Email: klitossy(at)cytanet.com.cy, tel.  00357-9..., fax 00357-22486714

For more information about the conference please see attachment.

Learning in later lifeSH.M 2009FINALGrundtvigComenius[1].doc341 KB
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