Non Pascal Events

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Promoting Active Citizenship in Europe - The Role of University Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning

Feb 8 2008 00:00


Edinburgh, Unit Kingdom

Democratic citizenship focuses on the rights, responsibilities and roles of citizens at the local, national and global level. However, defining concepts, policies and strategies to support good practice in the area of democratic citizenship is no easy task.

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Widening Participation Research Centre: Exploring Learning Trajectories

May 20 2008 00:00
May 21 2008 00:00


Lancashire, United Kingdom

This two day conference to launch the Widening Participation Research Centre at Edge Hill University aims to bring together practitioners, researchers, policy makers and managers to learn from each other and work together in relation to the conference theme of exploring learning trajectories.

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Regional Studies Association Annual International Conference - Regions: The Dilemmas of Integration and Competition

May 27 2008 20:00
May 29 2008 20:00


Prague, Czech Republic

This conference is the twelfth in the Association's international series of events, and it comes at a time when great changes are unfolding in Europe, both in terms of regional development and regional policy. The meeting takes place in Prague, at the heart of the Czech Republic.

Hosted by the University of Economics Prague the theme of this years conference is "Regions: The Dilemmas of Integration and Competition?"

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5th International Lifelong Learning Conference - Reflecting on Successes and Framing Futures (Queensland, Australia)

Jun 16 2008 00:00
Jun 19 2008 00:00


Queensland, Australia

The 5th International Lifelong Learning Conference aims to identify and bring together the various partners involved with lifelong learning - educators from all sectors, industry representatives, policy makers and lifelong learners themselves. Work, society and life in general encourage learning using formats and strategies that need to be assessed for their effectiveness and relevance if their future usefulness is to be assured.

Conference organisers have identified several sub-themes to be discussed – assessment, evaluation, planning for success, objectives and outcomes, celebrating achievement and creating new futures, to name a few. Delegates are invited to contemplate the sub-themes related to the broader conference theme of Lifelong Learning: Reflecting on Successes and Framing Futures and to bring their thoughts and ideas to what promises to be a stimulating and rewarding conference.

In this context of assessing and evaluating progress made as well as renewing and reshaping visions for the journeys ahead, it is appropriate to ask questions such as these:

  • How effective have lifelong learning policies and practices been so far and how do we know?
  • Who have been some of the winners and losers from lifelong learning initiatives to date?
  • Which concepts and strategies have been most successful in generating and sustaining lifelong and lifewide learning?
  • Which factors have contributed to success and in which contexts and environments?
  • Do we need new metaphors for life and learning in the future or can lifelong learning continue to inspire and transform our aspirations?
  • How can lifelong learning be most effectively harnessed as we strive to create more equitable, meaningful and productive futures for ourselves and future generations?

For more information please visit:

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Exploring Learning Trajectories (Lancashire, United Kingdom)

May 20 2008 00:00
May 21 2008 00:00


Lancashire, United Kingdom

This two-day conference, held to launch the Widening Participation Research Centre at Edge Hill University, will bring together researchers, policy makers, WP managers and practitioners, university leaders and school and college staff. Sharing research and evidence-based practice on educational quality and widening participation, the conference will also facilitate workshops to develop ways of working together, focusing on research, publication and practice.

For more information please visit:

Call for Papers:

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Knowlege in Motion 2008 (Newfoundland, Canada)

Oct 16 2008 00:00
Oct 18 2008 00:00

Newfoundland, Canada
The Leslie Harris Centre of Regional Policy and Development, Memorial University of Newfoundland is hosting an International Conference of interest to all those committed to: Fostering regional developmentby applying knowledge and innnovation generated by higher education institutions. Sharing techniques, processes and best practices for linking research, teaching and outreach with communities, businesses, governments and non-governmental organizations.

If you are interested in partnering, contributing papers, or attending, contact David Yetman, Manager of Knowledge Mobilization by e-mail at: [email protected] .
To view complete event details please visit:
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CRADALL Seminar: The Future for University Continuing Education - views across the Pacific from British Columbia to New Zealand (Glasgow, Scotland)

Feb 7 2008 00:00

Glasgow, Scotland

Information about the seminar is also available from the CRADALL web site at:

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Challenging Isolation: the role of lifelong learning (York, United Kingdom)

Jul 2 2008 00:00
Jul 4 2008 00:00

York, United Kingdom

The Conference focuses on Challenging isolation through lifelong learning policies and practices.  Such policies and practices could be those of: national, regional or local government; specific lifelong learning or widening participation initiatives – such as Aimhigher or Lifelong Learning Networks in the UK; particular institutions, or parts of institutions such as academic/subject departments, student support services; different types of organisations including not only state-funded educational providers but also those in the voluntary sector, social enterprises and private training providers; and many other perspectives, most importantly those of the individuals and communities for whom lifelong learning has been, or could be, a route out of isolation and marginalisation.

For more information on the conference please go to:

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4th International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education

Mar 31 2008 00:00
Apr 2 2008 00:00


Barcelona, Spain

The Global University Network for Innovation (GUNI) invites the academic community worldwide to participate in the 4th International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education to explore the role of higher education as a key element for human and social development and to rethink and propose new routes for the interchange of values between higher education institutions and society.    

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mLearn 2008

Oct 8 2008 00:00
Oct 10 2008 00:00


Shropshire, England

mLearn, the world's flagship mobile learning conference, will take place in the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Ironbridge in Shropshire, England in October 2008, the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution. The conference started in Birmingham and has since taken place in London, Rome, Cape Town, Banff and Melbourne. The aims of the conference are to bring together the world's leading mobile learning researchers, developers and activists in an environment that will stimulate significantly increased deployment of mobile learning and catalyse dramatically enhanced innovation.

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