Challenging Isolation: the role of lifelong learning (York, United Kingdom)

Steve Rubin's picture
Jul 2 2008 00:00
Jul 4 2008 00:00

York, United Kingdom

The Conference focuses on Challenging isolation through lifelong learning policies and practices.  Such policies and practices could be those of: national, regional or local government; specific lifelong learning or widening participation initiatives – such as Aimhigher or Lifelong Learning Networks in the UK; particular institutions, or parts of institutions such as academic/subject departments, student support services; different types of organisations including not only state-funded educational providers but also those in the voluntary sector, social enterprises and private training providers; and many other perspectives, most importantly those of the individuals and communities for whom lifelong learning has been, or could be, a route out of isolation and marginalisation.

For more information on the conference please go to:

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