Regulatory Quality and Higher Education: What is the connection?

Steve Rubin's picture
Oct 9 2009 15:00
Oct 9 2009 17:00

Glasgow, United Kindom

A Seminar presented by Professor Josef Konvitz , Head of Division, Regulatory Policy, OECD as part of the Universtiy of Glasgow CR&DALL. (Centre for Research and Development in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning).

Regulation is in the headlines of the papers everyday. The global financial crisis is likely to raise questions about the future architecture of regulatory institutions. Doing regulation well is in fact a day-in, day-out task of governments. But citizens and business know that poor regulation affects the cost of business, the quality of public services and of the environment, and contributes to cynicism about politics, and corruption. The OECD has been helping countries to improve their regulatory management systems since the mid-1990s, and increasingly this body of evidence about what works and what doesn't is being applied to large, dynamic, middle-income countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. And increasingly, the benefits of regulatory reform are being applied to fields such as higher education and the environment, in addition to more familiar terrain related to network utilities, energy and product markets. As head of the Regulatory Policy Division of the OECD, Dr Konvitz will present an overview of the scope of OECD work, together with insights into how civil society and governments learn from each other's experience to shape both domestic and international agendas in this field.

Questions and discussion will be encouraged as part of the seminar. 

For further inforamation please see attachement.

CRADALL Seminar - October 9th 2009.pdf52.32 KB
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