Partnerships for World Graduates

Steve Rubin's picture
Nov 28 2007 00:00
Nov 30 2007 00:00


Conference Paper

The audio presentation by Professor Michael Gibbons was recorded on 28th November 2007:
"Engagement as a core value: Imperatives for change in universities, industry and communities"

Event Information

Melbourne, Australia

Communities and industries are changing profoundly as the world becomes more globalised. What does this mean for institutions preparing graduates to become active citizens and productive members of the work force? These institutions have to explore new ways of developing graduate capabilities and competencies that will meet the demands of an inexorably changing society. The 2007 Academia Industry Conference aims to bring together academia, industry and community to examine how the demands of this globalising society can be met preparing world graduates for the future.

The theme of the conference covers a wide range of subjects. We therefore welcome individuals and organisations with interest in globalisation; partnerships involving educational institutions, industry and community in pursuit of relevant skills development to be part of this event. We particularly invite insights from our long standing industry partners as well as from any division of academic, industry and community sectors with interest in graduate education and work integrated learning.

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