1st International Conference on Local Societies and Higher Educational Institutions

Steve Rubin's picture
Sep 25 2009 00:00
Sep 26 2009 00:00

Rhodes, Greece

The Faculty of Humanities of the University of the Aegean in association with the Municipality of Rhodes invite you to participate in the 1st International Conference Local Societies & Higher Educational Institutions: Coexistence for Sustainable Development'to be held in Rhodes.
The aim of the conference is the exchange of experiences between local communities and the University in order to jointly develop actions concerning the use of Knowledge, Science and Technology to sustain regional development.
Themes of the conference:
A)  City, Education and Research: mapping the development of education and research
  • Population diversity and local identity: managing linguistic, ethnic, religious and cultural diversity
  • Environmental Sustainability: Infrastructure Planning and Education
  • Development of ICT applications for improving educational delivery in the cities and regions.
  • Student activity and relationship with the City: University Campus and attractiveness of higher education institutions.
B)  Areas of Partnerships between Local Government Organizations and Higher Education Institutions
  • Local Governance and citizenship support via networks
  • Searching for and management of common resources and funding schemes
  • Communication, planning and information of the citizen: interactive relations with the local press, media, internet.
  • Traffic design and quality of life in the local community
C)  International relations and education partnerships of Mediterranean Cities
  • Island cities and Academic Institutions
  • Use and management of memory space and culture
  • Inter-island connections and interdisciplinary development networks
  • Networks of services - Health and Hygiene organizational structures

For more information about the conference please see attachments.

Greek Conference - Rhodes.doc2.31 MB
Rhodes conference-program committee.doc3.58 MB
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