4th International Conference on ICT for Development

Steve Rubin's picture
May 27 2009 00:00
May 29 2009 00:00

Dakar, Senegal

eLearning Africa is delighted to announce that next year’s conference, the fourth in the highly successful series of pan-African gatherings, will take place in Senegal.

Moving to Senegal in 2009, eLearning Africa continues to build and expand a worldwide network for people involved in all aspects of technology-enhanced education and training in Africa, including management and policymaking. As with the previous conferences, eLearning Africa 2009 will be conducted in both English and French. The eLearning Africa website will keep you up to date with the latest information and developments. Details about the themes, the local venue and other components of the event will be available soon.

eLearning Africa is the most comprehensive conference on ICT for development, education and training on the Continent. Its mission is to bring people together who are actively engaged in education and implementation of learning technologies in schools, universities, corporate training as well as in education in the public sector. Participants are high-level decision-makers such as Ministers of Education, representatives from government agencies, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), development agencies and international organisations, senior executives from businesses, as well as practitioners from all fields of education.

Participant figures for the annual event have grown significantly – from 832 at the debut event in 2006 to 1502 delegates at the third conference in Accra in May 2008. Attendees come from more than 80 countries in Africa and the wider globe – a geographic and cultural richness that is unrivalled. The strong African involvement – 80 percent of the delegates come from the Continent – makes it a truly pan-African event.

For more information please visit:  http://www.elearning-africa.com

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