Academy of Lifelong Learning Advocacy (IALLA IV)

Steve Rubin's picture
Oct 27 2008 00:00
Nov 12 2008 00:00

Cape Town, South Africa

The International Council for Adult Education (ICAE) is holding the forth Academy of Lifelong Learning Advocacy (IALLA IV) in Cape Town, South Africa. This three-week training session is designed to give emerging leaders in adult learning and social movement activists the opportunity to empower themselves and acquire skills to advocate for and support adult learning for active citizenship. The objectives of the course are to:

  • generate a broader vision on youth and adult education within the framework of human rights and active citizenship, developing linkages with the most important globalisation issues that are currently affecting the world;
  • support the emergence of a new leadership for the global network of adult educators committed and trained to work as a global team, to secure the regeneration of ICAE, in particular, and the movements for lifelong learning in general;
  • and follow-up and facilitate the exchange among participants to promote the continuity of the learning process by sharing their own experience after the IALLA course.

For more information please visit:

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