Achieving the Millennium Development Goals: Poverty Reduction, Reproductive Health and Health Sector Reform

Steve Rubin's picture
Sep 15 2008 00:00
Sep 26 2008 00:00

Bangkok, Thailand

The course explores key elements in designing efficient, equitable and financially sustainable population policies and reproductive health programs in the context of health sector reform and Millennium Development Goals. After attending the course, participants learn to recognize how the changing international and national policy environments affect their work in population and reproductive health and to identify the linkages among health, gender and poverty.

This two-week course is designed for staff from governments, donor agencies, international organizations, the World Bank, and NGOs working in the health sector. In addition, it targets staff from training and research institutions, as well as academics and researchers working in the areas of health, public administration and social sector reform. The course is a face-to-face learning event and will be held at the Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand.

The sessions will consist of presentations, readings, case studies and group work. Participants must have a good working knowledge of English to participate. Participants will be charged a course fee of $2,000 and should expect to incur additional expenses locally of $1,500 including accommodation and meals. The Asia Hotel has quoted rates of THB 2,100 (single room) and THB 2,300 (twin room) or $63 and $69 respectively. Participants are also responsible for purchasing their own airline tickets.

Please visit the website at for more information regarding the course objectives, content and design.

To apply for the Course, you may do so online through the website at:

The application deadline is July 31, 2008. Should you have any questions, please contact the Course Coordinator Ms. Mary Mugala.  Email: [email protected]

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