The Australian Learning Communities Network National Conference: Connecting Faces, Places and Spaces

Steve Rubin's picture
Oct 26 2008 00:00
Oct 28 2008 00:00

Adelaide, South Australia

Hyatt Regency Hotel

Running over 2 days, the Conference will be this year’s premier event on the subject of growth and development of sustainable learning communities. Over 25 practitioners will present during the Conference on a range of subjects, guaranteeing that the Conference will have something for everyone! 

Highlights include Keynote presentations by Peter Kearns OAM, Director Global Learning Services, Angus McFarland, President, National Union of Students, and Klynton Wanganeen, Commissioner for Aboriginal Engagement, as well as an International perspective from Sung-Hwa Jung, CEO, ForBliss Inc, Seoul Korea.

With the theme being "Connecting Faces, Places and Spaces", the conference will explore the development of human, social and economic capital within local communities, as well as discussing best practice models of learning communities, both internationally and nationally.  An outline of the themes is listed below:

    The building of human capital (The individual)
    Learning brings significant benefit to the individual in a community by: encouraging participation; valuing diversity; increasing health and well-being; developing employability skills; inspiring civic participation; engaging persons from all walks of life and transforming lives.
    The building of social capital (The community)
    The benefits of learning in the community include improving access and equity, creating cultural benefits, fostering engagement, encouraging social cohesion, investing in volunteering, promoting healing and reconciliation and creating localised solutions
    The building of economic capital (The organisation)
    Organisations with a learning culture contribute to the attainment of social, economic, environmental and cultural benefits by: achieving sustainability, investing in innovation, developing skills and competencies; building capacity; respecting the environment; investing in organisational learning; increasing organisational vitality, and supporting workforce development.
Conference outline and Registration is attached.  For further information please visit:
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