Journal of Vocational Education and Training 8th International Conference

Steve Rubin's picture
Jul 3 2009 00:00
Jul 5 2009 00:00

Worceser College, Oxford, United Kingdom

Call for Papers

The conference committee invites the submission of contributions for the Eighth JVET Conference. Contributions are sought on research into aspects of vocational and professional education and training.

These might include, but are not restricted to:

  • policy studies
  • curriculum development and design
  • changes in management and institutional strategies
  • students’ experiences of VET
  • globalization and skill
  • work-based learning.

200 word abstracts of papers should be submitted by 30th January 2009.

Acceptances will be notified by 28th February 2009.

Please address abstracts to Jocelyn Robson at  [email protected]


Keynote Speakers

Terri Seddon, Monash University, Australia

Phil Brown, Cardiff University, Wales

Karen Jensen, University of Oslo, Norway



Inquiries about the conference can be addressed to:


Bill Bailey, School of Education and Training,

University of Greenwich, London SE 9 2PQ, UK

[email protected]

Phone +44 (0)208 331 9233

Fax +44 (0)208 331 9235


Details about conference arrangements will be posted on the Journal of Vocational Education and Training homepage, under News and Offers, as they become available:

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