Social Capital & Community Resilience

Steve Rubin's picture
Jun 4 2009 00:00

New Lanark, Lanarkshire, Scotland

Social capital has been shown, by a large number of studies, to extend collective well-being in a variety of different and complex ways. The quality and quantity of social capital in a community plays a crucial role in the ability of its members to solve their problems, act for the future and participate in decision making.

Community resilience is now becoming recognised as an integral element in the wellbeing of communities. 

 "Resiliency is the capability of individuals, families, groups, and communities to cope successfully in the face of significant adversity and risk. This capability changes over time, is enhanced by protective factors in the individual/system and the environment and contributes to the maintenance and enhancement of health" (Mangham et al., 1994).

Call for Case Studies…
Assist Social Capital is inviting individuals, organisations and institutions that have knowledge and expertise in this field to submit summary case studies for inclusion in the conference. Please note that the conference aims to bring together and explore the PRACTICAL implications of the connection between social capital and community resilience.

Topics of interest could include:
• Evidence and the nature of the links between community resilience and social capital
• The relationships between social capital, community resilience and the environment
• How to build a resilient community
• Community resilience, social capital and social enterprise
• Individualism and Collectivism
• Measurement of impact
• Applications of social capital
• Community and diversity
• Policy implications

Please submit a maximum of 2 A4 pages to [email protected]. Closing date for papers will be Monday 30th March 2009.
Social Capital Conference - June.doc1.68 MB
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