Event for International Women's Day

Catherine Lido's picture
Feb 24 2023 19:13
Scotland  Scotland

Please join us on International Women's Day, March 8th 3pm (UK), for the first in our 'STEM as We Are' series #stemasweare. This free and open event will feature work from the University of Glasgow VisNET (EPSRC-funded) and Gendered Journeys (GCRF-funded) projects, as well as an open dialogue on gendered barriers facing women in STEM career trajectories.

Hosted by Urban Big Data Centre (UBDC) & Sustainable Healthy Learning Cities (SHLC).

Register here:


Prof Catherine M. Lido,  CPsychol
Professor- Psychology and Adult Learning 
School of Education
University of Glasgow


International Women's Day, March 8th, 2023

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