Social Capital

Denise Reghenzani-Kearns's picture

Announcing... Healthy Aging 50+: The Science of Healthy Living | A Stanford University Hybrid Event

Feb 8 2024
Li Ka Shing Learning and Knowledge Center
291 Campus Drive
United States  United States

Confused by the mass of information about healthy aging? Want to make sure that you are optimizing your health and fitness as you head into the second half of life? We’re here to help! Join us at the first-ever Healthy Aging 50+ Conference on February 8 at Stanford to engage with world-class experts and to learn about the latest research in the field of nutrition, fitness and mental health—all tailored to the needs of adults 50+.

Catherine Lido's picture

Gendered Journeys international and interdisciplinary project team met in June 2023 in Kigali, Rwanda

The Gendered Journeys international and interdisciplinary project team met in June 2023 in Kigali, Rwanda to connect regarding preliminary project findings and to conduct a high-level invited stakeholder meeting of gender practitioners, researchers, educators, industry managers and policymakers.

Denise Reghenzani-Kearns's picture

Future of Ageing 2023: Solutions for longer lives

With just three weeks to go, we're looking forward to a solutions-focused Future of Ageing 2023, and we're delighted to announce the winners of our open slot competition who will be presenting a range of solutions for longer lives at the conference on Thursday 7 December.

Hsiao Chiang Wang's picture

EDUMaH Symposium poster and Eventbrite info

Sep 13 2023 09:30
Sep 13 2023 14:30
Adam Smith Lecture Theatre, Room 1115
28 Bute Gardens
Scotland  Scotland

An exciting international symposium on Museum and Heritage Education Futures will take place on September 13th at the University of Glasgow. The symposium has been organised by the Education in Museum and Heritage Education Consortium, including members of the Pascal Observatory and the Harnessing Museums, Heritage and Education Learning Cities Network. The symposium event is free and will take place in-person.

Catherine Lido's picture

CR&DALL Seminar Series 2022-23: Everyday Peace: Grassroots responses to conflicts

Mar 13 2023 15:30
Mar 13 2023 19:00
University of Glasgow
Room 234, St Andrew’s Building
Glasgow G3 6NH

This session brings together two projects from the University of Glasgow, School of Education and CR&DALL focussed on Everyday Peace. Presenters: Professor Mo Hume, Dr Avila Kilmurray, Dr Sinead Gormally and Professor Evelyn Arizpe.

Join us to celebrate the Scottish launch of the book Peacebuilding, Conflict and Community Development and the launch of a short video from the project,  “Educational Peacebuilding in Medellin and Acapulco: Understanding the role of education, culture and learning in responding to crises”.

Catherine Lido's picture

Event for International Women's Day

Feb 24 2023 19:13
Scotland  Scotland

Please join us on International Women's Day, March 8th 3pm (UK), for the first in our 'STEM as We Are' series #stemasweare. This free and open event will feature work from the University of Glasgow VisNET (EPSRC-funded) and Gendered Journeys (GCRF-funded) projects, as well as an open dialogue on gendered barriers facing women in STEM career trajectories.

Roberta Piazza's picture

Integrating migrants into the labour market: a win-win situation for both migrants and society

Jun 25 2015
European Economic and Social Committee
Jacques Delors building, Room JDE 62, Rue Belliard 99

You will see that there is an open invitation to attend this event (which I have inserted below) which relates to one of the principal strands of this year's PASCAL Conference in Catania.

The Labour Market Observatory (LMO) and the Group on Immigration and Integration (IMI) of the European Economic and Social Committee have the pleasure to invite you to their conference on “Integrating migrants into the labour market: a win-win situation for both migrants and society”.

Dean Eddy's picture

A Master Plan for Higher Education in the Midwest: A Roadmap to the Future of the Nation’s Heartland

A Master Plan for Higher Education in the MidwestOn March 31, 2011, The Chicago Council released a report, “A Master Plan for Higher Education in the Midwest: A Roadmap to the Future of the Nation’s Heartland” the third report in the Council’s Heartland Papers series (see below). The report is authored by James J.

Steve Rubin's picture

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