
Dean Eddy's picture

A Master Plan for Higher Education in the Midwest: A Roadmap to the Future of the Nation’s Heartland

A Master Plan for Higher Education in the MidwestOn March 31, 2011, The Chicago Council released a report, “A Master Plan for Higher Education in the Midwest: A Roadmap to the Future of the Nation’s Heartland” the third report in the Council’s Heartland Papers series (see below). The report is authored by James J.

Mike Osborne's picture

Ongoing Reforms in Adult Education in Europe

Last week from 7-9 March 2011, the final conference on the Action Plan on Adult Learning, organised by the European Commission and the Hungarian Presidency was held in Budapest. During this conference, Research voor Beleid presented findings of a joint research project on ongoing reforms. This study included expert contributions from PASCAL Board member Professor Balazs Nemeth, associate Kate Sankey and PASCAL Co-Director Mike Osborne.

Paul Crawford's picture

NIU's Center for Governmental Studies Policy Profile: "Do Home Rule Governments Work Better?"

Northern Illinois University Professor Curtis Wood offers a perspective on an issue that has been controversial in the United States since the end of the Revolutionary War.  Prof. Wood makes an important contribution to the dialogue concerning centralization vs. decentralization in government (see "Do Home Rule Governments Work Better?" below).

John Tibbitt's picture

PASCAL Response to Scottish Government Green Paper on Higher Education

PASCAL has submitted a response to the SG on its current green paper on Higher Education:

Glen Postle's picture

PASCAL sends its sympathies to the people of the PURE region of Darling Downs

PASCAL sends its sympathies to the people of the PURE region of Darling Downs and particularly the people of Toowoomba, which has suffered terrible flooding and loss of life. The attached pictures and link to a youtube video sent by PASCAL Associate, Professor Glen Postle, give you some idea of the devastation caused. We hope that the worst is over and our thoughts are with our friends and colleagues.



The video is of Chalk Drive, Toowoomba, taken from across the road from the Flexi School. You can see the school in some of the shots (click on an image to view/show slideshow).

Toowoomba Flood-01
Bob Gleeson's picture

Results of the Interactive Workshop on Defining Regional Prosperity - PASCAL 2010 Conference, Botswana

Notes from the Interactive Workshop on Defining Regional Prosperity “Engaged Universities and Learning Cities-Regions” at the 9th PASCAL International Observatory Conference Organized by the University of Botswana December 2, 2010

Workshop Facilitators:

Robert E. Gleeson, Ph.D., Northern Illinois University and PASCAL

Diana Robinson, Northern Illinois University and PASCAL

Jennifer Groce's picture

Human Development and the Transformation of the Academy

The South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARChI) in Development Education at the University of South Africa (UNISA) held a six-day retreat in December in Pretoria titled ‘Human Development and the Transformation of the Academy’.

Human Development retrat - Botswana 2010

Chester Shaba's picture

UNISA’s Incubator for New Thinking: PASCAL Launch

The DST/NRF SARChI Chair in Development Education at UNISA officially has become the fourth node for the PASCAL International Observatory on human development. At the launch of the African Centre on 29 November 2010 in the Bamboo Auditorium, Kgorong, UNISA’s Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Prof Barney Pityana, reaffirms the university’s commitment to the Chair’s intention to look at new ways of thinking.


Chris Duke's picture

PURE Interim Synthesis Report

This report has two purposes. The first is to inform participants at the PASCAL Conference in Gaborone on 30 November - 2 December about PURE. The second is to provide regions taking part in the PURE project with a summary of common findings, issues and advice.

National government, and increasingly intergovernmental bodies like the European Union and Commission, influence what engagement can take place in local regions. This report is however addressed to two main parties, regional administrations and their communities, and higher education institutions.

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