Ongoing Reforms in Adult Education in Europe

Mike Osborne's picture

Last week from 7-9 March 2011, the final conference on the Action Plan on Adult Learning, organised by the European Commission and the Hungarian Presidency was held in Budapest. During this conference, Research voor Beleid presented findings of a joint research project on ongoing reforms. This study included expert contributions from PASCAL Board member Professor Balazs Nemeth, associate Kate Sankey and PASCAL Co-Director Mike Osborne. In addition, previous studies on Key Competences and Adult Learning Professions in Europe (ALPINE), also conducted by Research voor Beleid (and Plato), and also involving Pascal colleagues received considerable attention during the conference (see both below).

The conference website is here where readers will also find specific Country Reports on the Action Plan on Adult Learning written by national experts.

Ongoing_Reforms_Adult_Learning_Final_Report.pdf1.98 MB
keycomp.pdf1.16 MB
adultprofreport_en.pdf1.57 MB
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