Muir Houston's picture

PASCAL Briefing Paper 20 - Learning with and from refugees: adult education to strengthen inclusive societies

We are pleased to offer to subscribers the lstest PASCAL Briefing Paper published jointly with the Centre for Research & Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning (CR&DALL),  Learning with and from refugees: adult education to strengthen inclusive societies, written by Dr Maria Grazia Imperiale and Professor Bonnie Slade.

Enrico Jacobs's picture

PASCAL 2017 Conference announced: Trends2017 - Which way to go?

Oct 17 2017
Oct 19 2017
Skukuza Rest Camp
Kruger National Park

The PASCAL Centre for Africa proudly presents the “Trends2017” Conference that will take place from 17 to 19 October 2017 at Skukuza, Kruger National Park, South Africa. We would like you to participate in this astonishing event. Since the inauguration of PASCAL International Observatory we are delighted to host the event in South Africa for the first time.

PASCAL 2017 Conference

John Tibbitt's picture

PASCAL Response to Scottish Government Green Paper on Higher Education

PASCAL has submitted a response to the SG on its current green paper on Higher Education:

Glen Postle's picture

PASCAL sends its sympathies to the people of the PURE region of Darling Downs

PASCAL sends its sympathies to the people of the PURE region of Darling Downs and particularly the people of Toowoomba, which has suffered terrible flooding and loss of life. The attached pictures and link to a youtube video sent by PASCAL Associate, Professor Glen Postle, give you some idea of the devastation caused. We hope that the worst is over and our thoughts are with our friends and colleagues.



The video is of Chalk Drive, Toowoomba, taken from across the road from the Flexi School. You can see the school in some of the shots (click on an image to view/show slideshow).

Toowoomba Flood-01
Bob Gleeson's picture

Results of the Interactive Workshop on Defining Regional Prosperity - PASCAL 2010 Conference, Botswana

Notes from the Interactive Workshop on Defining Regional Prosperity “Engaged Universities and Learning Cities-Regions” at the 9th PASCAL International Observatory Conference Organized by the University of Botswana December 2, 2010

Workshop Facilitators:

Robert E. Gleeson, Ph.D., Northern Illinois University and PASCAL

Diana Robinson, Northern Illinois University and PASCAL

Chester Shaba's picture

UNISA’s Incubator for New Thinking: PASCAL Launch

The DST/NRF SARChI Chair in Development Education at UNISA officially has become the fourth node for the PASCAL International Observatory on human development. At the launch of the African Centre on 29 November 2010 in the Bamboo Auditorium, Kgorong, UNISA’s Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Prof Barney Pityana, reaffirms the university’s commitment to the Chair’s intention to look at new ways of thinking.


Chris Duke's picture

Congratulations to new PhDs!

Congratulations to PASCAL Associate, Dr Anne Badenhorst  (below, left) and PASCAL Affiliate, Dr Charlotte Scarf (below, right), both of whom recently graduated from RMIT with PhDs, the topics of which are both closely linked to key themes of PASCAL's work.

Chris Duke's picture

PURE Interim Synthesis Report

This report has two purposes. The first is to inform participants at the PASCAL Conference in Gaborone on 30 November - 2 December about PURE. The second is to provide regions taking part in the PURE project with a summary of common findings, issues and advice.

National government, and increasingly intergovernmental bodies like the European Union and Commission, influence what engagement can take place in local regions. This report is however addressed to two main parties, regional administrations and their communities, and higher education institutions.

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