Human Development and the Transformation of the Academy

Jennifer Groce's picture

The South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARChI) in Development Education at the University of South Africa (UNISA) held a six-day retreat in December in Pretoria titled ‘Human Development and the Transformation of the Academy’.

Human Development retrat - Botswana 2010

This event was attended by Chair of the PASCAL Advisory Board, Professor Jarl Bengtsson and members of the Northern Illinois University  PASCAL Center, in addition to distinguished Fellows of the SARChI Chair at UNISA, faculty that included UNISA Registrar, L Molamu and Vice-Principal  MC Mare, custodians of Indigenous Knowledge Systems (an emerging faculty at the Chair), and Masters and PhD students.   Many of PASCAL’s core themes were discussed and expanded upon especially in terms of the role of indigenous knowledge systems  and community engagement at this event.

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