NIU's Center for Governmental Studies Policy Profile: "Do Home Rule Governments Work Better?"

Paul Crawford's picture

Northern Illinois University Professor Curtis Wood offers a perspective on an issue that has been controversial in the United States since the end of the Revolutionary War.  Prof. Wood makes an important contribution to the dialogue concerning centralization vs. decentralization in government (see "Do Home Rule Governments Work Better?" below).

Northern Illinois University's Center for Governmental Studies (CGS) publishes Policy Profiles designed to provide objective reviews of issues relevant to the voting public.  For a listing of previous profiles please visit the NIU CGS site.

CGS is a public service, applied research, and public policy development unit within Northern Illinois University's Outreach, Engagement and Information Technology Services Division.   CGS applies the intellectual resources of the university to address public issues facing communities, the region, the state, and the nation.  The Center's work falls into four main practice areas: (1) Workforce Development and Human Services; (2) Public Management and Training; (3) Community and Economic Development; and (4) Association Management. 

Learn more about CGS here.

Do_Home_Rule_Governments_Work_Better-Curtis_Wood_NIU-CGS.pdf552.72 KB
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