Future of Ageing 2023: Solutions for longer lives

Denise Reghenzani-Kearns's picture

With just three weeks to go, we're looking forward to a solutions-focused Future of Ageing 2023, and we're delighted to announce the winners of our open slot competition who will be presenting a range of solutions for longer lives at the conference on Thursday 7 December.

Solutions for longer lives
With just three weeks to go, we're looking forward to a solutions-focused Future of Ageing 2023, and we're delighted to announce the winners of our open slot competition who will be presenting a range of solutions for longer lives at the conference on Thursday 7 December.

Open slot debate: The role of food in the 100-year life

  • Tilly Robinson-Miles, Policy and Parliamentary Engagement Manager, Food Train Scotland
  • Ros Wilson, Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Volunteer, VOICE

Open slot debate: The role of physical activity in the 100-year life

  • Professor Stephen Harridge, Professor of Human & Applied Physiology and Head of the Centre for Human and Applied Physiological Sciences, King’s College, London
  • Stephen McPeake, CEO, Civic Dollars

The "Solutions for longer lives" session will begin with a keynote by Lord David Blunkett, former Home Secretary and Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, about how we prepare people not only for employment but also for seminal changes in their employment life.

To see the full list of our high-calibre speakers and the draft agenda, and to get tickets, please click here.

Future of Ageing 2023 is sponsored by

If you’re interested in helping to shape the agenda of the UK’s main conference focussed on longevity, please get in touch with Paul Goulden.
Copyright © 2023 International Longevity Centre - UK, All rights reserved.

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