Roberta Piazza

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Professor of Education
University of Catania

Roberta Piazza, PhD in Education, is full professor in Education at the University of Catania. She is director of the University Research Centre on Community Engagement - CURE (Community University Research Engagement). She was vice-Rector for continuing education and lifelong learning (2017-2019) and she is member of the board of the Italian University Network on Continuing Education (RUIAP). 


An associate director in Europe of PASCAL Observatory from 2014, she is also European network coordinator of the Research Network 4 "National Strategies for Lifelong Learning" of the ASEM Lifelong Learning Hub, and member of the scientific committee of UNESCO Lucca learning City.  

She has participated in several EU-funded projects on learning city, lifelong learning, lifelong guidance, recognition of prior learning, apprenticeship, teacher training.


She is a quality assurance evaluator on a national level in Italy for undergraduate and post graduate programs, appointed by the National Agency of University Evaluation, and is external expert for the European Commission. She was external examiner for the Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Professional and Vocational programme) (2018-2020, 2020-2022) of the Education University of Hong Kong. 


She has been visiting professor at the University of Glasgow, Scotland; University of East China Normal University, China; Normal University of Manila, Philippines; University of Santander, Spain.

  • Key theme 1: Lifelong learning, Learning region and learning city
  • Key theme 2: Lifelong guidance and career guidance comptences
  • Key theme 3: Recognition of competences
  • key theme 4: Quality in university teaching and learning
  • Key theme 5: Historical and comparative studies of adult education
  • Preferred methodologies, approaches etc:  Research in the field, comparative research, theoretical and historical dimensions
Recent research/consultancy: 

2021-2024 STEAM+ Skill Development in early Childhood Educational and Care in Europe KA227  – Partnership for Creativity of the Erasmus + - 2020- 1-HU01-KA227-SCH-09405,Coordinator of the local unit

2020-2023 Jean Monnet networks 620739-EPP-1-2020-1-AU-EPPJMO- NETWORK. Social and scientific innovation to achieve the sustainable development goals, Coordinator of the local unit

2019-2021 Accessible Information Material European Commission KA2 Progamme - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices KA204 - Strategic Partnerships for adult education (n. 2019-1-IT02-KA204-063185). Coordinator of the local unit

2018-2020 Coordinator of the local unit in Erasmus + KA2, The Unteachables- Helping the new generations of school teachers turn increasingly unteachable young students into young learnables (Project 2018-1-DK01-KA203-047061), Coordinator of the local unit

2017-2018 Coordinator of the local unit in SUPER – Guidance and tutoring paths to promote academic and professional success, Guidance and Tutoring Plans (POT) project (Ministry of Education),  Coordinator of the local unit

2017-2019 Erasmus + KA3 – Support for Policy Reform VET-Business Partnerships on Work-based learning and Apprenticeships, Refining Higher Education Apprenticeships with Enterprises in Europe, Coordinator of the local unit

2016-2019 Erasmus + Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Qualifications Framework as Platform for the development of learning outcomes based curriculum (QFP), Coordinator of the local unit; responsible for project quality plan

2015-2017 Jean Monnet Programme (154345 - LLP-1-2009-IT-AJM-MO) REaTOC Nuove Competenze per Nuove Sfide: politiche nazionali ed europee per la lotta alla Criminalità Organizzata, Key staff member; management and coordination of teaching activities

2012-2015 National research project (PRIN), Italian Ministry, Educational success, social inclusion and cohesion: innovative strategies, ICT and assessment models. Member of the team. To analyze and evaluate internship models and entrepreneurship attitude of university students

2012-2014 ERASMUS ACADEMIC NETWORK, Network for Innovation in Career Guidance & Counselling in Europe NICE2 Coordinator of the local unit.

2009-2014 Jean Monnet Programme (154345 - LLP-1-2009-IT-AJM-MO) New skills for new challenges: sharing and boosting knowledge on European policies, Key staff member; management and coordination of teaching activities

Earlier Projects

Participant in EC funded projects: INDICATORS (2002-2004); Lilara (2005-07); PENR3L (2006-2008); ERASMUS ACADEMIC NETWORK, Network for Innovation in Career Guidance & Counselling in Europe NICE2 (2012-2014); Key staff member of Jean Monnet Programme New skills for new challenges: sharing and boosting knowledge on European policies  (2009-2014); Coordinator of the local unit in the Leonardo Da Vinci project (2008-2010) Expertising and Sharing Lifelong Guidance for the Placement  (selected as one of the best project financed in 2008.

  • Coordinator of FIR project 2014 (University founds) Developing learning cities. Indicators for evaluating Third Mission activities (2014-2016)
Recognitions, positions, memberships: 

Industry/community roles

  • Professional associations, executive positions: Member of SIPED (Italian Association of Pedagogy) SIRD (Italian Association of Educational Research), and of CIRSE (Italian association of historical studies in Education)
  • Pascal Observatory associate (July 2008-), member of the Advisory Council Board (2013-) Associate Director in Europe (2014-)
Selected publications: 


Piazza, R. and Rizzari, S. (2021) A che punto siamo con l’apprendimento permanente? Una ricerca sulla consapevolezza dell’Università nel sostenere il lifelong learning.CQIA rivista Formazione, Lavoro, Persona, 33, pp. 27-43.

Piazza, R. (2020) Rethinking education after Covid-19. An experience of online laboratory and practicum at the University of Catania.eJournal of University Lifelong Learning, 4(1), pp. 51-57.

Piazza, R. and Rizzari, S. (2020) Navigare il cambiamento: un percorso di formazione dei peer tutor per favorire il successo accademico degli studenti universitari di primo anno.Lifelong Lifewide Learning, 16(35), pp. 82-92. (doi: 10.19241/lll.v16i35.522)

Piazza, R. (2020) Costruire reti territoriali: la partnership come strumento di collaborazione per l’apprendimento permanente.Nuova Secondaria Ricerca, 10, pp. 239-247.

Piazza, R. and Rizzari, S. (2020) Sviluppo delle competenze professionali e qualità della didattica universitaria: la peer review come formazione partecipata.Form@re - Open Journal Per La Formazione in Rete, 20(1), pp. 62-77. (doi: 10.13128/form-8271)

Piazza, R. and Rizzari, S. (2020) Apprendere tra università e lavoro: la formazione dei mentori nei percorsi di apprendistato: Il progetto ApprEnt.SPES – Rivista di Politica, Educazione e Storia, 7(11), pp. 97-122.

Piazza, R. and Rizzari, S. (2020) Quality interaction in distance learning processes: beyond emergential education.Giornale Italiano di Educazione alla Salute, Sport e Didattica Inclusiva, 4, pp. 60-66.

Piazza, R. and Rizzari, S. (2020) Ripensare il nesso tra apprendimento all'università e apprendimento al lavoro per favorire l'occupazione giovanile. Una ricerca sulla formazione di mentori competenti nei percorsi di apprendistato.Education Sciences and Society, 11(2), pp. 296-323. (doi: 10.3280/ess2-2020oa9480)

Laitinen, I. and Piazza, R. (2020) Smart city community engagement through learning. In: Rehm, M., Saldien, J. and Manca, S. (eds.) Project and Design Literacy as Cornerstones of Smart Education: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development. Springer: Singapore, pp. 177-180. ISBN 9789811396519 (doi: 10.1007/978-981-13-9652-6_16)

Lombardo, B. M., Felisatti, E., Piazza, R., Serbati, A. and Corsini, C. (2020) Il sistema di formazione e qualificazione della docenza nell’ateneo di catania. In: Lotti, A. and Lampugnani, P. A. (eds.) Faculty Development in Italia: Valorizzazione delle Competenze Didattiche dei Docenti Universitari. Genova University Press: Genova, pp. 171-178. ISBN 9788836180233

Piazza, R. and Rizzari, S. (2020) Formazione continua per la qualità della didattica universitaria: la proposta dell’Università di Catania. In: Frasca, E. (ed.) Il Valore e la Virtù: Studi in Onore di Silvana Raffaele. Bonanno: Acireale-Rome, pp. 299-309. ISBN 9788863182392

Piazza, R. and Santisi, G. (2020) Innovation and sustainability of business models: learning, generative practices and school (university) - work transition in the organic agri-food sector. In: Platania, M., Jeločnik, M. and Gostin, I. N. (eds.) Organic, Farming, Ecomarket and their Capitalization through the Entrepreneurial Initiative. Alexandru Iona Cuza University Press: Iaşi, pp. 163-196. ISBN 9786067145885

Piazza, R. (2019) Apprendere e disapprendere nelle Smart city: l’impatto e le sfide delle nuove tecnologie digitali sull’apprendimento degli adulti = Learning and unlearning in Smart Cities: the impact and challenges of new digital technologies in adult learning processes.Pedagogia Oggi, 17(2), pp. 271-284. (doi: 10.7346/PO-022019-18)

Piazza, R. and Rizzari, S. (2019) Dare un senso alla Terza Missione: politiche e strategie delle Università per facilitare l’integrazione dei rifugiati e dei migranti.Lifelong Lifewide Learning, 15(33), pp. 1-12. (doi: 10.19241/lll.v15i33.168)

Basile, F., Piazza, R. and Lombardo, B. M. (2019) Aggiornamento dei docenti e innovazione delle metodologie didattiche nell’Ateneo di Catania. In: Corbo, F., Michelini, M. and Uricchio, A. F. (eds.) Innovazione Didattica Universitaria e Strategie degli Atenei Italiani: 100 Contributi di 27 Università a Confronto. Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro: Bari, pp. 107-111. ISBN 9788866290452

Piazza, R. (2018) Building learning cities.: an Italian perspective. In: Di Rienzo, P. and Azara, L. (eds.) Learning City e Diversità Culturale. Rubbettino Editore: Soveria Mannelli, pp. 63-78. ISBN 9788849854589

Piazza, R. (2018) Creating learning opportunities for the cities: community engagement and third mission in the University of Catania. In: James, J., Preece, J. and Valdés-Cotera, R. (eds.) Entrepreneurial Learning City Regions. Springer International Publishing: Cham, pp. 225-247. ISBN 9783319611297 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-61130-3_14)

Piazza, R. (2018) L’Università che cambia: community engagement, responsabilità sociale e accesso ai rifugiati in Europa. In: Albana, M. and Soraci, C. (eds.) Amicitia Res Plurimas Continet: Omaggio a Febronia Elia. Bonanno: Acireale - Rome, pp. 333-350. ISBN 9788863182101

Piazza, R. (2018) La ricerca in educazione in età adulta: tra scienze dell’educazione e contesto sociale. In: Federighi, P. (ed.) Educazione in Età Adulta Ricerche, Politiche, Luoghi e Professioni. Firenze University Press: Florence, pp. 95-112. ISBN 97

Piazza, R. and Rizzari, S. (2018) The role of the University in skills recognition in continuing education programmes: an experience at the University of Catania.Form@re - Open Journal Per La Formazione in Rete, 18(3), pp. 301-310. (doi: 10.13128/formare-24140)

Piazza, R., Gravagno, F. and Pappalardo, G. (2018) Learning to become a community: Mafia landscapes Lab.eJournal of University Lifelong Learning, 2(1), pp. 79-84.

Piazza, R., Magnano, P. and Zammitti, A. (2017) Career guidance in multicultural contexts: an Italian case study. In: Sultana, R. G. (ed.) Career Guidance and Livelihood Planning across the Mediterranean: Challenging Transitions in South Europe and the MENA Region. Sense Publishers: Rotterdam, pp. 351-370. ISBN 9789463009928 (doi: 10.1007/978-94-6300-992-8_22)

Mulvey, R. and Piazza, R. (2016) Quality assurance and enhancement: policy and practice. In: Schiersmann, C., Einarsdóttir, S., Katsarov, J., Lerkkanen, J., Mulvey, R., Pouyaud, J., Pukelis, K. and Weber, P. (eds.) European Competence Standards for the Academic Training of Career Practitioners: NICE Handbook Volume 2. Verlag Barbara Budrich: Opladen, pp. 79-88. ISBN 9783847405047 (doi: 10.2307/j.ctvd7w8vf.10)

Piazza, R. (2015) Learning city: la sfida dell’inclusione sociale. In: Tomarchio, M. and Ulivieri, S. (eds.) Pedagogia Militante: Diritti, Culture, Territori. Edizioni ETS: Pisa, pp. 221-233. ISBN 9788846743725

Piazza, R. (2017) Learning city construction in Italy: lessons and challenges.Journal of Open Learning, 22(6), pp. 43-49.

Laitinen, I., Piazza, R. and Stenvall, J. (2017) Adaptive learning in smart cities – The cases of Catania and Helsinki.Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 23(1), pp. 119-137. (doi: 10.1177/1477971417691781)

Piazza, R. (2015) Creare efficaci ambienti di apprendimento: formazione iniziale, formazione continua, bisogni di formazione dei docenti TALIS.Scuol@Europa, 19, pp. 4-7.

Piazza, R. (2015) Educazione all'imprenditorialità, orientamento all'iniziativa: entrepreneurship education, initiative guidance.Pedagogia Oggi, pp. 72-90

Piazza, R (2013) Learning City. Aspirazioni e ideali per le città del benessere, Roma, Aracne, 2013

Piazza, R (2012) Towards the construction of a personal professional pathway: An experimental project for the recognition of non-formal and informal learning in the University of Catania, Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 19(1), pp.101-124.

Piazza, R (2011) The changing role of Universities in Italy: placement services. Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration, 1-2, pp. 173-186

Piazza, R (2010)  From permanent education to the learning region. Elements of analysis and comparison of pedagogic models, in Longworth N. and Osborne M. (eds), Perspectives on Learning Cities and Regions: Policy, Practice and Participation. Leicester: NIACE, pp. 198-225.

Piazza, R. (2008)The role of the university in the creation of a learning region. A study in the athenaeum of Catania, in Journal of Adult & Continuing Education, 14(1), pp. 3-16.

Piazza, R (2008) The learning region pedagogic model. A critical and comparative analysis, paper presented in the International Conference Learning Regions' Role in Regional Development and Re-Generation. An International Conference, University of Limerick, Ireland, 28-30 May 2008



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