EcCoWell 3 as Follow up on the 2020 EcCoWell Community Recovery Program

Peter Kearns's picture

The attached paper develops the concept of EcCowell 3 as an innovative learning ecosystem directed at traditional objectives of learning cities. This is a follow-up on the 2020 EcCoWell Community Recovery Program which included a number of innovations for learning cities.

These included the idea of “A new model of partnership with empathy” developed by the Wyndham learning city. The attached paper is an elaboration of this idea as “a new model of partnership with imagination, empathy, and well-being” which is seen as a lens for addressing traditional objectives of learning cities.

The holistic/integration objectives of EcCoWEll may be seen as an innovative learning ecosystem with both social and biological objectives. The Limerick and Wyndham learning cities are planning a webinar on the EcCoWell concept which is expected to be held in April.

Peter Kearns


a_new_model_of_partnership_-_eccowell3.pdf379.84 KB
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