David Charles
User Profile
David is Professor of Enterprise and Innovation at Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University He is also Visting Professor at the University of Lincoln, UK; Anglia Ruskin University, UK; University of Tampere, Finland.
Previously David was deputy head of Lincoln Buisness School, Professor of European Regional Development at Strathclyde University, dean of research at Curtin Business School and before that David Goldman Chair of Business Innovation, Newcastle University, Director, Institute for Policy and Practice, Newcastle University and Director, Centre for Knowledge, Innovation, Technology and Enterprise, Newcastle University
Innovation Management
Urban and regional development
Science and innovation policy and knowledge transfer
Higher education policy, especially regional dimensions
Cluster studies in national and regional development
- (2016-2020) The Role of Universities in Regional Innovation (RUNIN) a Marie Curie Innovative Training Network.
- (2013-14)The Role of Cities in Cohesion Policy, with METIS consultants for the European Parliament
- (2013) Assessment of multilevel governance in Cohesion Policy 2007-2013, North East England case study, with METIS consultants for the European Parliament
- (2011-2013)Evaluation of the main achievements of Cohesion Policy programmes and projects over the longer term in 15 selected regions, for DG Regio
- (2012) Review of higher education in city and regional development: the Basque Country, for OECD (2011-2012) Open innovation in Scottish firms, University of Strathclyde New Professors’ Fund (2009-2010) Practical benefits of innovation-related policy instruments’ for OECD
- (2009-2010) The regional role of HE in Victoria, for OECD
- (2007) The role of collective leadership in regional innovation strategies, for the National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts
- (2007-8) Science cities in the UK, for NESTA
- (2009) Contribution of policies at the regional level to the realisation of the European Research Area’, for ERAWATCH network on behalf of the European Commission
- (2007-09) Universities and community engagement: learning with excluded communities, ESRC programme on the Regional Impact of Higher Education,
- (2008-9) Exploiting the potential of the subsea energy cluster in the North East of England: promoting collaborative working to address the skills and recruitment gap, ESRC business engagement scheme
- (2004-2006) Building Science Regions in the European Research Area: Governance in the Territorial Agora’ ESRC Science in Society programme
- (2005) Supporting the contribution of higher education institutions to regional development: lead evaluator on Sunshine/Fraser Coast review’ for OECD
- (2005) Supporting the contribution of higher education institutions to regional development: North East England background report’, Universities for the North East, OECD and HEFCE
- (2003-2006) City regions as Intelligent Territories: Inclusion, Competitiveness and Learning (CRITICAL) ’ FP5 project funded by the European Commission
(2001)The Culture and Creative Industries Cluster’ for One NorthEast Regional Development Agency
(2001) ‘Higher Education Business Interaction Survey’ for the UK HE Funding Councils and the Office of Science and Technology
(2000) ‘The Regional Contribution of Higher Education’ for the Higher Education Funding Council for England
- BA and PhD in Economic Geography, Newcastle University
- Fellow of the Academy of Learned Societies in the Social Sciences
- Fellow of the Regional Studies Association
- Begg, I., Bachtler, J., Charles, D. and Polverari, L. (2016) EU Cohesion Policy in Practice: What does it Achieve? Rowman & Littlefield
- Charles, D. (2016) 'Cohesion policy in the service economies of the North', in Piattoni, S. and Polverari, L. Handbook on Cohesion Policy in the EU, Edward Elgar.
- Charles, D. and Ciampi Stancova, K. (2016) Entrepreneurial discovery process and Research and Technology Organisations, in Kyriakou, D., Palazuelos Martinez, M., Perianez-Forte, I. and Rainoldi, A. (eds) Governing Smart Specialisation: The Institutions of Entrepreneurial Discovery, Routledge.
- Charles, D. (2016) Newcastle: converting industrial heritage to creative industries in Kunzmann, K,(ed) Culture Creative Industries and Urban Regeneration, WQ Book.com, Beijing.
- Bachtler, J., Begg, I., Charles, D. and Polverari, L (2016) The long-term effectiveness of Cohesion Policy: assessing the achievements of the ERDF, 1989-2012, in Berkowitz, P., Bachtler, J., Muravska, T. and Hardy, S. EU Cohesion Policy: Reassessing performance and direction, Routledge, London.
- Galbreath, J., Charles, D. and Oczkowski, E. (2016) The drivers of climate change innovations: evidence from the Australian wine industry, Journal of Business Ethics, 135 (2), 217–23, DOI 10.1007/s10551-014-2461-8
- Pinheiro, R., Charles, D. and Jones, G.A. (2016) Equity, institutional diversity and regional development: a cross country comparison, Higher Education. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10734-015-9958-7
- Charles, D. (2016) The rural university campus and rural innovation – conflicts around specialisation and expectations, Science and Public Policy, 43, 763-773.
- Charles, D.R. and Wray, F. (2015) The English science cities: a new phase in science based urban strategy, International Journal of Knowledge Based Organisations, 5 (1), 46-61.
- Charles, D. (2015) From technopoles to science cities: characteristics of a new phase of science cities, in Miao, J.T., Benneworth, P.S. and Phelps, N.A. Making 21st Century Knowledge Complexes: Technopoles of the world revisited Routledge, London.
- Galbreath, J., Charles, D. and Klass, D. (2014) An exploratory study of clusters knowledge exchange and the climate change issue, Journal of Business Ethics, 125,11-25.
- Charles, D., Kitagawa, F. and Uyarra, E. (2014) University engagement: from regionalisation to localisation, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 7, 327-348.
- Charles, D.R. (2011) ‘The role of universities in building knowledge cities in Australia’, Built Environment, 37, 281-298.
- Gertner, D., Roberts, J. and Charles, D.R. (2011) ‘University-industry collaboration: a CoPs perspective on KTPs’, Journal of Knowledge Management, 15, 625-647.
- Benneworth, P., Charles, D.R. Madanipour, A., (2010) Building localised interactions between universities and cities through university spatial development, European Planning Studies, 18, 1611-1629.
- Irawati, D and Charles, D.R. (2010) ‘The involvement of Japanese MNEs in the Indonesian automotive cluster, International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 10, 180-196.
- Couchman, P., McLoughlin, I. and Charles, D.R. (2008) ‘Lost in Translation? Building Science and Innovation City Strategies in Australia and the UK’ Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice, 10(3), 211-223
- Charles, D.R. (2007) ‘Regional development, universities and strategies for cluster promotion’, in Harding, A., Scott, A., Laske, S. and Burtscher, C. (eds) Bright Satanic Mills, Ashgate, Burlington, Vermont and Aldershot, Hants.
- Charles, D.R. (2008) ‘From regional innovation strategies to the multi-level governance of science, technology and innovation: the case of the North East of England’, in Carayannis, E.G., Assimakopoulos, D. and Kondo, M., Innovation Networks and Knowledge Clusters, Palgrave Press.
- Charles D.R. and Duke, C. (2006) Old wheels and new: cyclical progress in the use of language, metaphors, networks and projects to enhance learning and city governance in Duke, C., Doyle, L. and Wilson, B. Making Knowledge Work: Sustaining learning communities and regions, NIACE, Leicester
- Charles, D.R. (2007) ‘Regional development, universities and strategies for cluster promotion’, in Harding, A., Scott, A., Laske, S. and Burtscher, C. (eds) Bright Satanic Mills: , Ashgate, Burlington, Vermont and Aldershot, Hants
- Charles, D.R. (2006) ‘Universities as key knowledge infrastructures in regional innovation systems’, Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 19(1), 117-130.
- Charles, D.R. (2005) ‘Universities and engagement with cities, regions and local communities’, in Duke, C., Osborne, M. & Wilson, B. (2005) Rebalancing the Social and Economic: Learning, Partnership and Place, NIACE, Leicester
- Charles, D.R. (2003) ‘Universities and territorial development: reshaping the regional role of English universities’, Local Economy, 18 (1) 7-20
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