Shirley Walters
User Profile
South Africa
Socio-economic and political contexts of learning
Organisational development
Learning and working in Higher Education
`Learning Region` issues
Recent research/consultancy:
- UWC – key initiator for development of lifelong learning policies and practices at university over last 10 years
- Provincial Government – Action research into conception of learning region; also development of indicators for a learning region
- NIACE Commission into strategy for Lifelong Learning, UK - A paper on African experiences September 2007
- National Minister of Education Task Team to develop a Green Paper on Adult Education and Training, South Africa, September 2007
- Convenor, International Conference on Researching Work and Learning, December 2007
Recognitions, positions, memberships:
- PhD – Adult Education; PhD (Hon Causa), University of Linkoping, Sweden
- Chair of the network of government, civil society, higher education, labour, for 4 years to run the provincial Learning Cape Festival (2002-2005)
- Founding Chair of a grassroots women’s NGO, Women’s Hope Education and Training Trust (WHEAT TRUST)
- South African National Ministers of Education and Labour – appointed to chair the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) from 2004 to present
- Inducted into Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame, USA, 2005
Selected publications:
- Walters Shirley "Participatory Research : Theory and Practice" PERSPECTIVES IN EDUCATION Volume 7 Number 3 1983
- Walters Shirley "A critical discussion of democratic participation within community organisations" in COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL 1986Britain : Oxford University Press
- Walters Shirley and Glenda Kruss "People's Education in South Africa" CONVERGENCE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADULT EDUCATION vol.21 1988, Toronto, Canada
- Walters Shirley 1989 EDUCATION FOR DEMOCRATIC PARTICIPATION. A publication of the Adult and Nonformal Education Thesis Series of CACE, UWC, South Africa
- Walters Shirley "Nonformal education organisations and the South African state: Present and Future relations" published in COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL Oxford University Press Winter 1992
- Walters Shirley "The greatest task is to be united as women" in AGENDA. A JOURNAL ABOUT WOMEN AND GENDER No. 14 1992
- Walters, Shirley "Training gender-sensitive and feminist adult educators in South Africa : An emerging curriculum" in PERSPECTIVES IN EDUCATION, Volume 15 no 1 Summer 1993/94 Johannesburg
- Walters, Shirley "Informal and Nonformal Education", in Nelly Stromquist (ed) WOMEN IN THE THIRD WORLD, Garland Publishing, New York
- Walters, Shirley “Adult education research in the new South Africa”, in ADULT EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL, Number 45, 1995 DVV, Germany.
- Walters, Shirley “Balancing Equality and Development in Universities after Apartheid: a Focus on Adult and Continuing Education” in Jane Elliot, Hywel Francis, Rob Humphreys, David Instance COMMUNITIES AND THEIR UNIVERSITIES. THE CHALLENGE OF LIFELONG LEARNING, Lawrence and Wishart, London 1996
- Walters, Shirley “Education, training and development practitioners (ETDPs) within the reconstruction and development of South Africa” in ADULT EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT, DVV, Germany No 46 1996 (translated into French and Spanish)
- Walters, Shirley and Linzi Manicom (ed) GENDER IN POPULAR EDUCATION. METHODS OF EMPOWERMENT London, Zed Books/ CACE Publications UWC, Bellville, 1996
- Walters, Shirley Training gender-sensitive adult educators in South Africa GENDER IN POPULAR EDUCATION. METHODS OF EMPOWERMENT London, Zed Books/ CACE Publications UWC, Bellville 1996
- Walters, Shirley (editor) GLOBALIZATION, ADULT EDUCATION AND TRAINING: IMPACTS AND ISSUES, co-published by Zed Books/CACE Publications, United Kingdom 1997
- Walters, Shirley and Jeanne Gamble“ETDP: Passing fad or new identity?” in GLOBALIZATION, ADULT EDUCATION AND TRAINING: IMPACTS AND ISSUES, co-published by Zed Books, CACE Publications, DVV, ICAE, UIE United Kingdom 1997
- Walters, Shirley “New challenges and opportunities for lifelonglearning in South Africa”, in COMPARITIVE EDUCATION, Volume 35 No. 2 1999 pp 217-224, Taylor and Francis Ltd, United Kingdom
- Walters, Shirley “Lifelong learning within higher education in South Africa: Emancipatorypotential?” In INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF EDUCATION 45(5/6): 575 - 587, 1999, Kluwer Academic Publications, Netherlands
With Terry Volbrecht
- “Re-imagining a picture: Higher education in lifelong learning” in ADULT EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL,No 55 IIZ/DVV, Hamburg, Germany
- “Globalisation, adult education and development” inNelly Stromquist and Karen Monkman 2000 GLOBALISATION AND EDUCATION, Rowman and Littlefield Publ.Maryland, USA
With Kathy Watters
- “Adult education in Southern Africa in the last twenty years” in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR LIFELONG EDUCATION, Cambridge, UK, Vol 20 Nos 1-2
- “From adult education to lifelong learning in Southern Africa” in Sabo Indabawa, Akpovire Oduaran, Tai Afrik, Shirley Walters (ed) 2000 THE STATE OF ADULT AND CONTINUING EDUCATION IN AFRICA, University of Namibia, Namibia
- “Lifelong learning, higher education and active citizenship: From rhetoric to action” with Kathy Watters, in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR LIFELONG EDUCATION Volume, No 2001, Taylor and Francis, Cambridge, UK
- “Nyt syn pa et billede – Videregaende uddannelse I livslang laering”, with Terry Volbrecht, in DEMOKRATI OF LIVSLANG LAERING, Redigeret af Lotte Rahbek Schou, Gads Forlag, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2001
- “Adult education for survival” in ADULT LEARNING AUSTRALIA, Commentary No 6, April 2001
- “Developing the ‘Learning Cape’” with Watters, Kulati and Martin, a paper commissioned by the Department of Economic Affairs, Provincial Administration of Western Cape, June 2001
- “Literacy in Africa” commissioned paper prepared for African Ministers of Education Caucus, 17 October 2001, UNESCO, Paris
- LEARNING FOR DEMOCRATIC CITIZENSHIP with Ove Korsgaard and Randi Andersen (ED), Danish University of Education, UWC, Association of World Education, Denmark, 2001
- “Adult education in South Africa” paper commissioned by the Danish Folk High School Association and presented in Cape Town in March 2003
- Confintea Mid Term Review: South Africa, commissioned by the Unesco Institute of Education, Germany, June 2003
With Peter Mayo,
- Carmel Borg and Grif Foley, “Economic, politics and adult education” in Grif Foley (ed) DIMENSIONS OF ADULT LEARNING. ADULT EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN A GLOBAL ERA, Allen and Unwin 2004
- “Researching Access in a Rapidly Changing Context: Experiences from Higher Education in South Africa” in Michael Osborne, Jim Gallagher et Beth Crossan (ed) RESEARCHING WIDENING ACCESS TO LIFELONG LEARNING. ISSUES AND APPROACHES IN INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH 2004 RoutledgeFalmer UK
- “Social movements, class and adult education” in T. Nesbit (ed.),CLASS CONCERNS: ADULT EDUCATION & SOCIAL CLASS. New Directions in Adult and Continuing Education, no. 106. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2005
“Knowledge and the Learning Society in South African debates”, in Michael Kuhn (Ed) NEW SOCIETY MODELS FOR A NEW MILLENIUM. THE LEARNING SOCIETY IN EUROPE AND BEYOND, Peter Lang, USA, 2007 - “Adult Learning within Lifelong Learning: a different lens, a different light”, submitted to JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, No 39, 2006, University of Kwazulu Natal, South Africa
With Roger Etkind
- “Learning Festivals” Leona English (ed) ENCYCLOPAEDIA IN ADULT EDUCATION Palgrave Macmillan 2005
- “Learning Regions” in Leona English (ed) ENCYCLOPAEDIA IN ADULT EDUCATION Palgrave Macmillan 2005
- “Realising a lifelong learning higher education institution” in Peter Sutherland and Jim Crowther (eds) LIFELONG LEARNING: CONCEPTS AND CONTEXTS Routledge Falmer 2005
- Abrandt Dahlgren, M., Larsson, S., Walters, S. 2005 “Making the invisible visible. On participation and communication in a global, web-based master's programme”. HIGHER EDUCATION 00: 1-25, 2004
- Larsson, S., Abrandt Dahlgren, M., Walters, S., Boud, D. & Sork, T.J. 2005 “Confronting Globalization: Learning from intercontinental collaboration”. INNOVATIONS IN EDUCATION AND TEACHING INTERNATIONAL, 42:1, p61, 11p
- Walters Shirley and Jos Koetsier “Working adults learning in higher education”, PERSPECTIVES IN EDUCATION 2006
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