OTB News

News about or related to OTB:


Rajesh Tandon's picture

Thank you - In Loving Memory of Martha Farrell

We are deeply appreciative of and sincerely thankful to all for your warm, sensitive and caring messages and thoughts following the sudden and shocking death of our dear Martha on May 13, 2015 in Kabul.

Roberta Piazza's picture

Deadline for submission of abstracts for PASCAL Conference 2015 extended until 1 June

Due to a number of requests for extensions to the deadline for submissions of abstracts, the PASCAL Conference 2015 planning team has agreed to extend the deadline for their receipt until 1 June.

Steve Rubin's picture

Sad demise - PRIA Director Dr Martha Farrell victim of Kabul terrorist attack

With deep and profound grief, we share that our colleague Dr Martha Farrell, Director, PRIA has left us all for the heavenly abode.  We received this sad news from Kabul, where Dr. Martha Farrell had gone on an official assignment. She was staying in a hotel and became a victim of a terrorist attack on the hotel.

Leone Wheeler's picture

12th PASCAL International Conference – Call for abstracts - deadline 18th May

Connecting Cities and Universities at Strategic Frontiers - 7-9 October, 2015, Catania, Italy

You are reminded to submit an abstract on one of the following conference strands by 18 May:

Budd Hall's picture

Engaging communities and universities in the public good

The recent wave of tragic deaths in the Mediterranean Sea of Mothers, Fathers, Children and Babies underscores the depth of inequality, which persists, or even increases, in our troubled world.  The fact that some of these people have been headed to the very city, Catania, where we are meeting, means that we must no longer speak of higher education or universities in technical, managerial or abstracted terms.