
Chris Duke's picture

Big Tent Communique VI final text

[Please note: An edited and formatted version of the final text is available here.]

Roberta Piazza's picture

12th PASCAL Conference - Last chance to register; deadline Monday, September 21st

The deadline for registering for the 12th PASCAL Conference is fast approaching. Please register by Monday, September 21st to avoid disappointment!

The Conference schedule is packed with events and presentations; we have more than 100 presenters and 70 papers for you to choose from, plus features such as:

So please don't wait, go to the ATTEND page of Conference website and register now!

We have also been informed by the management of the Baie Verde hotel that a limited number of rooms are still available at the special Conference rate.

We all look forward to seeing you in beautiful Catania, Sicily on 7th October!


Professor Roberta Piazza
University of Catania

Chris Duke's picture

Progress on the Big Tent Communique VI

The 4th and near-final iteration of the Big Tent Communique VI is to be printed and translated for discussion and adoption at the end of the 12th PASCAL Conference in Catania next month. The theme is Local Identities and Global Citizenship: the Challenge for Universities.

There is still an opportunity to review and contribute to this process now through the Big Tent Communique VI discussion forum on the Outside The Box (OTB) site. Here you can find the net text and post your advice.

Josef Konvitz's picture

Future PASCAL Developments – Associates and Members

The expansion of PASCAL International Observatory this Spring is an opportunity to strengthen the links among the universities that host PASCAL Centres, clarifying their roles and responsibilities.  This process, which could take several months, may take the form of a new memorandum, superseding previous agreements exchanged among the host institutions.

Mike Osborne's picture

Invitation to International Conference on Learning Cities - 28-30 September 2015

Please find featured below and attached an invitation from our good friends at the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning in Hamburg to the forthcoming International Conference on Learning Cities in Mexico City from 28-30 September 2015. We strongly encourage all members of PASCAL and subscribers to consider attendance, particularly members cities and organisations of our Learning Cities Networks (LCN) program.

Peter Kearns's picture

PASCAL Learning Cities Networks Inclusion Workshops

Arrangements have now been made for further Inclusion Workshops to be conducted in Glasgow, Bristol, and Melbourne to follow the initial workshop held in Townsville last May.

Chris Duke's picture

Invitation to become a member of the Friends of PASCAL Association

You are invited to become a member of the Friends of PASCAL Association headquartered in Melbourne Australia:

Chris Duke's picture

Call for comments/suggestions on the SECOND draft of the 6th Big Tent Communiqué

Your critical feedback on this new Big Tent draft for the Catania Conference will be most welcome. So will any new thoughts related to the theme and earlier discussion.

Chris Duke's picture

Friends of PASCAL Association

Following an initial founding meeting held in Melbourne in February this year a Friends of PASCAL Association was formed on 4 July 2015, and is registered in Melbourne, Victoria, in Australia. This will be a valuable supplement to the work of the International Observatory. It sits very well with changes in governance arrangements under way with the Board, especially its new and wider concept of membership.

Mike Osborne's picture

12th PASCAL Conference - Proposals for the Big Idea Sandpit - Deadline 7 August

Delegates for the 12th PASCAL Conference are invited to propose Big Ideas linked to the themes of the conference in advance of the event: five of these ideas will chosen to be pitched in plenary session on Day 2 with a strict 5 minute presentation. There will then be a debate and vote for the best idea. That idea will then be developed into a longer presentation by the presenter and advocates from the conference, and debated further on Day 3.

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