
Mike Osborne's picture

The Glen Postle Intergenerational Mentoring Hub

I’m delighted to have been able to have visited PASCAL Associate Glen Postle and see the Glen Postle Intergenerational Mentoring Hub at the Flexischool in Toowoomba. Glen has been working intensively in the development of the school over the past 20 years and continues to do so.

Josef Konvitz's picture

PASCAL Conference 2018: Updated title and sub-themes

The 15th PASCAL Conference, to be held in Korea on 30 August - 1 September 2018 has an updated title and sub-themes. The venue is the city of Suwon, part of metropolitan Seoul, Korea. The co-organiser is the GyeonggiDo Provincial Institute of Lifelong Learning (GILL).  The main theme of this first East Asia PASCAL Conference is "Learning Cities, Learning Societies: Connecting Research, Policy and Practice to Meet Local and Global Challenges”.  

Rob Mark's picture

PASCAL Faiths and Learning Cities Network organises its first meeting in New York

The new PASCAL Faiths and Learning Cities Network had its first Skype meeting with delegates from the USA, UK and Israel. The main purpose is to bring together interested scholars and practitioners in this area to share ideas and experiences about how the network should proceed.

Josef Konvitz's picture

PASCAL Conference 2018 - The Role of Lifelong Education in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The 15th PASCAL Conference will be held in Korea on 30-31 August 2018. The venue is the city of Suwon, part of metropolitan Seoul, Korea. The co-organiser is the GyeonggiDo Provincial Institute of Lifelong Learning (GILL).  The main theme of this first East Asia PASCAL Conference is "The Role of Lifelong Education in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”.  

Denise Reghenzani-Kearns's picture

Africa's Rapid Urbanisation - Africa's Cities : Opening Doors to the World

The World Bank is investing in the development of Africa's cities to overcome the lack of access to housing, services, and jobs.  In the report: "Africa's Cities: Opening Doors to the World" [featured below], addressing the crowded informal settlements and little infrastructure is seen through the improvement of safe water, sanitation and hygiene.  With a population of 1 billion predicted by 2040 and housing that currently costs 55% more than in other regions of the world, senior economist and co-author of the report states the situations is "dangerous".

Rajesh Tandon's picture

Random Reflections by Dr. Rajesh Tandon – August 2017

Monthly reflections from a civil society thought leader, Rajesh Tandon's views on emerging social, poltical and economic developments in India, and around the world, call upon us all to be thoughtful and participatory citizens.

Rajesh Tandon's picture

Random Reflections by Dr. Rajesh Tandon – July 2017

From heat of summer and crop of mangos, another round of random reflections for your perusal:

Rajesh Tandon's picture

Random Reflections by Dr. Rajesh Tandon – June 2017

Another Random Reflections, written away from the hot summer in Delhi:

Hans Schuetze's picture

Trump's entry ban - What can we do as individual academics?

There is world wide shock, protests and discussion about president Trump's entry ban for Muslims from some seven Middle East countries. While the justification given for this measure is the prevention of terrorism in the US many academics and their professional associations as well as universities are protesting this ban pointing out what this means in terms of human rights, international collaboration and individual academic freedom, see for example

Josef Konvitz's picture

Greetings from the Chair

The year 2016 gives one pause. The attacks of January 2015 in Paris were directed against free speech and religious tolerance; they failed: Charlie Hebdo sales are up, and opinion polls show that overwhelmingly, the French have positive views of Muslims, Jews and Europe. The attacks of November 2015 in Paris and July 2016 in Nice however succeeded in destablising through fear: people changed their daily routines or vacation plans. The elections in the UK and US are more difficult to characterize because this time, in the West, fantasy defeated fact, emotion triumphed over reason.

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