CityNet Smart Cities Survey Report

Vijay Jagannathan's picture

I am pleased to share the CityNet Smart Cities Survey Report on Smart Cities, Mobility, Walkability, and Emissions. Please find the final report featured below and attached.

CityNet Secretariat has recently conducted a survey throughout October to November, 2018. The survey was conducted generating 33 replies from CityNet members and associate members. The answers allowed CityNet and consultants, KABC Ltd., to assess the common problems of all cities, identify the best practices, and how CityNet can assist members in various ways related to the issues. The analysed result is going to guide in the preparation and formulation of suitable programmes to CityNet members.

The resulting draft report was discussed in the 37th Executive Committee Meeting in Da Nang in November 2018. The PDF file of report is available on CityNet’s official website at

Please do not hesitate to contact the Secretariat of CityNet should you have further inquiries and thank you for showing interest in our survey.


citynet_infrastructure_survey_final_for_website.pdf4.73 MB
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