Meeting Notes | Connecting Urban and Rural Learning Initiatives

Leone Wheeler's picture

This was the inaugural meeting of the network. The first matter discussed was the aim of the network and suggested topics (see

There was a general discussion about the suggested topics. The two topics that were of most interest to follow up on were:

  1. Regional Economic Development: Strategies that focus on promoting employment, entrepreneurship, and small business start-ups and development, and
  2. Measures to combat changing demographics due to COVID-19 migration.

A presentation was provided by colleagues from Korma, Belarus. The presentation is attached. We were all very enthusiastic to hear about the Linen Carousel Festival. We learned about the importance of the Adult Education Learning Centre in providing education for all, but particularly the unemployed, pensioners, and young people. See the attached presentation.

DVV International is a particularly important collaborator in lifelong learning. DVV works on raising and distributing funding, promoting lifelong education, and centres for adult education.


Dr. Leone Wheeler, ALCN; Professor Norman Walzer, Professor Emeritus, Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs;  Professor Mike Osborne, Dr Rob Marks, and Dr Margaret Sutherland from Glasgow University;   Mr. Max Eastcott, CEO, Gwydir Shire Council, NSW, Australia; Andrei Rutkevich, Project Manager, Learning Cities and Organizations (LCaO) Program, DVV International, Belarus;Professor Idowu Biao, Université d’Abomey Calavi, BENIN, Ms Elena Kozyro, Zelva, Grondno Region Belarus; Mrs. Natalia Sidarava and Mrs. Lubov Larchenka from Korma, Belarus’

Further Action:

  1. Immediate goal is to work on is a Webinar on Regional Economic Development/Entrepreneurship aimed for the end of the semester (June);
  2. Next meeting: 30 March – 10 pm (Melbourne Time - AEDT).


Shared Resources

Online Presentation about Gwydir Learning Region, NSW, Australia

Publication Opportunity

Professor Walzer highlighted the following journal as suitable for practitioners and academics to showcase their work.

Local Development and Society - see

Article about changing demographics due to COVID-19

Southall, H. (2021). Will the COVID pandemic cause London’s population to decline? The Conversation.  Retrieved from this link.

UN Habitat Resources about Urban-Rural Linkages


korma_presentation.pdf1.02 MB
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