Online Learning Programmes on Responsible and Sustainable Innovation

Karsten Krueger's picture

The University Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona/ Spain) (together with the Tampere University (Finland), Kozminsiki University (Varsovia/ Polonia), Notus (Barcelona/ Spain) and INGOs (Varsovia/ Polonia), have developed an open access learning programme on responsible and sustainable Innovation within an EC Erasmus+ project.

It addresses the responsibility of academy and other innovation actors to bring science-based innovation nearer to society and promote ecological, economic and social sustainability, following the Sustainable Development Goals.

The open programme is available in English and Spanish for consultation, download and importation to other learning platforms (e.g., Moodle) [English programme / Spanish programme]. For access as a student to the programme please send an e-mail to [email protected]

The overall learning material has four modules that can also be takenindividually:

  1. Introduction to Responsible & Sustainable Innovation (ReSI)/ Introducción a la Innovación Responsible y Sostenible (IReS)
  2. Public Engagement in ReSI / Compromiso público en IReS
  3. Gendered ReSI / IReS y la perspectiva de género
  4. Ethics in ReSI / Ética en la IReS

The program addresses Master Student’s, PhD students, representatives of business (especially start-ups), local communities and NGOs engaged in innovation processes. It aims at helping students to understand and analyse the dynamics of science-based innovation processes and the integration of principles of responsible and sustainable innovation focusing on public engagement, gender equality and innovation ethics.

Practitioners will learn reasons for implementing Responsible & Sustainable Innovation (ReSI) in their research work as aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals. The program aims at helping the practitioners to understand the dynamics of public engagement, the relevance of gender equality for research processes and the tools for apply innovation ethics in science based innovation processes.

It provides students with insight to (a) reflect on their research and innovation, even in an early-stage career development; (b) anticipate intended and unintended consequences of their activities; (c) apply criteria of open-science, making transparent the intention of research and innovation, the actors involved and their particular interest; and (d) include stakeholders (e.g., citizens and NGOs) in the deliberation processes from the beginning to the end of the science-based innovation process. The programme is designed as online and blended learning with tutoring, but can also be used as a MOOC.

More details of the project are featured below and attached.


rril-learning-programme.pdf396.83 KB
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