
Matthew Coote's picture

You are invited to 'SMEs and Trade with Europe: Implications for Innovation' on 31 March 2022

Mar 31 2022 12:00
Mar 31 2022 13:30
124 La Trobe Street
Melbourne 3000
Australia  Australia

You are invited to this online seminar to discuss some of the issues for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) engaged in international trade, implications for their capacity to innovate, and how a potential  Australia-European Union  Free Trade Agreement might enhance trade opportunities for SMEs.

Susan Kelly's picture

GUNi Newsletter February 2022 - Call for contributions for the UNESCO WHEC2022, GUNi World Report Special Issue, and more!

Here is the the latest news from GUNi (Global University Network for Innovation):

Rajesh Tandon's picture

Conversation on Investing in Civil Society Innovations - 30 September 2021; 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm (Indian Time)

Sep 30 2021 16:00
Sep 30 2021 18:00
PRIA International Academy (PIA)
New Delhi
India  India

As PRIA approaches its 40th Anniversary in February 2022, we are co-convening conversations on several thematic areas in which PRIA has worked:

Karsten Krueger's picture

Online Learning Programmes on Responsible and Sustainable Innovation

The University Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona/ Spain) (together with the Tampere University (Finland), Kozminsiki University (Varsovia/ Polonia), Notus (Barcelona/ Spain) and INGOs (Varsovia/ Polonia), have developed an open access learning programme on responsible and sustainable Innovation within an EC Erasmus+ project.

Nicol Keith's picture

Research Impact: Making a Difference - this MOOC starts 20th May

Mar 20 2019
Apr 10 2019
Glasgow University
Scotland  Scotland

Understanding and communicating the impact and potential benefits of research to a wide audience is an increasingly important task for higher education professionals. From realising the economic and social benefits of research work, to engaging with key industry and government contacts to create real-life impact, communicating the power of research has never been so important.

Now the University of Glasgow has established ‘Research Impact: Making a Difference’, a new short on-line course which shows those working with research how to better understand, create and communicate research impact.

Steve Rubin's picture

European Regions Research and Innovation Network (ERRIN)

Steve Rubin's picture

IRE Network - Innovating Regions in Europe

Steve Rubin's picture

URENIO: Urban and Regional Innovation Research Unit

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