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Steve Rubin's picture

Assist Social Capital May 2008 e-Bulletin

Steve Rubin's picture

Universitas 21 June - August 2008 e-Bulletins

Steve Rubin's picture

AEPR e-BULLETIN Issue 7, February 2008

Steve Rubin's picture

AEPR e-BULLETIN Issue 8, May 2008

Steve Rubin's picture

CRMW Newsletter June - July 2008

Steve Rubin's picture

Veolia Observatory of Urban Lifestyles

Steve Rubin's picture

The Peace Intention Experiment

Steve Rubin's picture

Towards a European Cultural Policy

Steve Rubin's picture

Lifelong Learning in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada

Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Professor Hans Schuetze, PASCAL Associate, Professor Peter Jarvis and Professor Mike Osborne were amongst the keynote speakers at the 1st International Lifelong Learning conference in Thunder Bay, Ontario from 24-27 June 2008.  For more information visit : www.theconferenceplanner.ca/lifelearning

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