Other Resources

Chris Duke's picture

Brief report on the half-day PURE working session within the Gabarone Conference

The whole of the final morning of the PASCAL International Conference in Gabarone was given over to a consideration of the work of the PASCAL Universities and Regional Engagement (PURE) Project.

Peter Kearns's picture

Some Strategies in Building Learning Communities and Regions

Peter Kearns and Denise Reghenzani Kearns have kindly written extensive notes on discussions that they had in Germany, Canada and Hong Kong during the period of June to September.  The discussions were focussed on mainly:

Mike Osborne's picture

European InfoNet Adult Education

A project funded by the European Commission within the aegis of the Lifelong Learning Programme provides some interesting resources in the field of adult education and lifelong learning.

European InfoNet Adult Education, co-ordinated by Catholic Federal Association for Adult Education (Katholische Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Erwachsenenbildung), Germany provides information about some current developments in adult education in European countries and at the EU level.

It aims to:

Steve Rubin's picture

Cultural Engagment and Lifelong Learning

Steve Rubin's picture

UPBEAT as a Coaching and Human Leadership Development Tool

Steve Rubin's picture

Stakeholder Audits

Steve Rubin's picture

CRMW Newsletter - Summer 2009

Steve Rubin's picture

Local Experiences Global Perspectives

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