OTB News

News about or related to OTB:


John Tibbitt's picture

Managing the 24-hour City: Re-thinking the Relationship between Night and Day | JOHN TIBBITT from Policies for Places

I noticed recently that Barcelona has just appointed a night-time mayor to oversee and co-ordinate city activities to support its growing night-time economy, seen as vital to the quality of life and prosperity of the city. They are not the first to create such a post. Amsterdam pioneered a Night Mayor in 2012, Paris has a Night Council to link with governance structures and stakeholders.

Bill Bowen's picture

Technological Advancement, the Urban-Rural Divide and Bridging the Differential Interests of American Citizens | The Urban Lens Newsletter

Any complete explanation for why the American citizenry is so divided would have to include a combination of factors like economic inequality, media Influence, mistrust in institutions, urban and rural interests, globalization, and technological advances.

Shirley Walters's picture

Looking back and looking forward

Editors Timothy D. Ireland and Shermaine Barrett introduce the special issue of Convergence to commemorate the 50th anniversary of ICAE.

John Tibbitt's picture

City Futures 2024 - Smarter, Greener, and Inclusive? | JOHN TIBBITT from Policies for Places

New Year is the time when both individuals and governments declare new goals and ambitions. Remarkably, 2024 will be a record year for elections with over 50 scheduled presidential, government and regional elections in countries around the world including many in its largest democracies. Electors in the US, the UK, the EU, and many Asian countries including India and the Philippines have the chance to set new directions for their nations.

Bill Bowen's picture

How to Best Facilitate a Successful Urban Environment | The Urban Lens Newsletter

Robert Puentes best said it in his article in January 2015, originally published in the Washington Examiner and subsequently published in Brookings (2023) Rotten Roads, Bum Economy: