
Andreas Fejes's picture

ESREA Research Network - Between Global and Local: Adult Learning and Development

May 28 2009 00:00
May 30 2009 00:00
University of Magdeburg, Turmschanzenstraße 15, 39114 Magdeburg, Germany

Magdeburg, Germany

The Magdeburg University

Second call for papers


Abstracts for papers/poster sessions/round tables should be submitted by 12th December 2008 to the conference organiser at: [email protected]  


The proposals will be blind reviewed by the scientific committee and acceptance will be confirmed by 16th January 2009.

Final papers (3000 - 5000 words) should be submitted by email by 27th March 2009.


Steve Rubin's picture

14th International Conference on Technology Supported Learning & Training

Dec 3 2008 00:00
Dec 5 2008 00:00

Berlin, Germany

This is the largest global e-learning conference for the corporate, education and public service sectors.

This year’s ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN wants YOU to get involved!

Steve Rubin's picture

Lifelong Learning Policy and Practice in Palestine

Nov 5 2008 13:30
Nov 5 2008 15:45

Glasgow, United Kingdom

The Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning (CRADALL) is holding a seminar to take place on Wednesday 5 November from 1.30pm to 3.45pm. The presentation entitled 'Lifelong Learning Policy and Practice in Palestine', will be presented by His Excellency Professor Manuel Hassassian, Ambassador of Palestine to the UK and Professor of International Politics and Relations at Bethlehem University. The seminar will be held in the Senate and Carnegie Rooms, Gilbert Scott Building, University of Glasgow.

The seminar will be followed by a Book Launch from 4pm to 5pm at the same venue when Professor Jean Barr’s newly published book entitled ‘The stranger within: On the idea of an educated public’, will be launched.

For more information you may contact: Joyce Lang (CRADALL) at [email protected]

Steve Rubin's picture

Creating the Future We Want to Be: Transformation through Partnerships

Apr 29 2009 00:00
May 2 2009 00:00

Milwaukee, WI USA

Who should Attend

The conference is expected to draw a diverse group of over 500 participants from across the U.S., Canada and other countries, reflecting key stakeholders in community-campus partnerships, including leaders from grassroots, community-based and non-profit organizations, government agencies, philanthropies, professional associations, schools, higher educational institutions and student service organizations.

Steve Rubin's picture

ESREA Conference: Educational Journeys and Changing Lives

Dec 10 2008 00:00
Dec 12 2008 00:00

Seville, Spain
University of Seville

Adult education and learning in Europe takes place in a diverse range of sites and contexts, both formally and informally in the family, community, civic society and the workplace. Accessing formal adult education, however, is not always easy and varies by institution and countries despite the continuing policy push for lifelong learning.

Steve Rubin's picture

The Australian Learning Communities Network National Conference: Connecting Faces, Places and Spaces

Oct 26 2008 00:00
Oct 28 2008 00:00

Adelaide, South Australia

Hyatt Regency Hotel

Running over 2 days, the Conference will be this year’s premier event on the subject of growth and development of sustainable learning communities. Over 25 practitioners will present during the Conference on a range of subjects, guaranteeing that the Conference will have something for everyone! 

Highlights include Keynote presentations by Peter Kearns OAM, Director Global Learning Services, Angus McFarland, President, National Union of Students, and Klynton Wanganeen, Commissioner for Aboriginal Engagement, as well as an International perspective from Sung-Hwa Jung, CEO, ForBliss Inc, Seoul Korea.

Steve Rubin's picture

ePortfolio & Digital Identity 2008

Oct 22 2008 00:00
Oct 24 2008 00:00

Maastricht, Netherlands

This year's conference challenge is "breaking boundaries for human capital development and social innovation." The objective is to explore how digital technologies, and in particular ePortfolios and digital identity, are transforming individual, organisational and community learning and development, creating an opportunity for the emergence of new models and paradigms in the field of learning, employment and social inclusion, contributing to finding the solution to the challenges we are facing today, and will be facing tomorrow, in building an inclusive and sustainable knowledge economy and society.

The conference lasts 3 days, each day providing a specific focus on the different issue with keynote speakers and workshop leaders.

For more information please visit:

Steve Rubin's picture

Decision Making for Sustainability

Sep 30 2008 12:30
Sep 30 2008 14:30

Glasgow, United Kingdom
University of Glasgow

The next CRADALL/DACE seminar will be held in collaboration with the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park at their HQ in Balloch. It is a lunchtime seminar on ‘Decision Making for Sustainability’ taking place from 12.30-2.00pm on Tuesday 30 September 2008 in the John Muir Suite at Carrochan, in Balloch.  The seminar will be led by Susan Geertshuis, Professor of Lifelong Learning and Director of The Centre for Continuing Education at Auckland University. She will describe an innovative award winning project that has been progressed in New Zealand aimed at improving decision making in relation to the use of national resources

Steve Rubin's picture

From Literacy to Lifelong Learning: Towards the Challenges of the 21st Century

Sep 10 2008 00:00
Sep 13 2008 00:00

Mexico City, Mexico

This conference is organized in cooperation with the Mexican National Institute for Adult Education (INEA) on behalf of the Government of Mexico, the UNESCO Regional Bureau for in Latin America and the Caribbean in Santiago de Chile (OREALC), the UNESCO Office for United Nations Priorities (ED/UNP) and the UNESCO Office Mexico.

Steve Rubin's picture

Academy of Lifelong Learning Advocacy (IALLA IV)

Oct 27 2008 00:00
Nov 12 2008 00:00

Cape Town, South Africa

The International Council for Adult Education (ICAE) is holding the forth Academy of Lifelong Learning Advocacy (IALLA IV) in Cape Town, South Africa. This three-week training session is designed to give emerging leaders in adult learning and social movement activists the opportunity to empower themselves and acquire skills to advocate for and support adult learning for active citizenship. The objectives of the course are to:

  • generate a broader vision on youth and adult education within the framework of human rights and active citizenship, developing linkages with the most important globalisation issues that are currently affecting the world;
  • support the emergence of a new leadership for the global network of adult educators committed and trained to work as a global team, to secure the regeneration of ICAE, in particular, and the movements for lifelong learning in general;
  • and follow-up and facilitate the exchange among participants to promote the continuity of the learning process by sharing their own experience after the IALLA course.

For more information please visit:

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