Network Blogs - Harnessing Cultural Policies in Building Sustainable Learning Cities

Catherine Lido's picture

PASCAL Briefing Paper 22 - Harnessing Museums, Heritage and Education

We are pleased to publish PASCAL Briefing Paper 22, entitled Harnessing Museums, Heritage and Education. PASCAL’s Learning Cities Network (LCN) on Harnessing Museums, Heritage and Education builds upon our prior Special Interest Group in cultural heritage and literacy inclusion, to now combine rich museum theory with innovative field-based practices. We engage with diverse stakeholders, including universities, world-leading museum and heritage sites, and governmental stakeholders, to address increasing needs for more informed, strategic and entrepreneurial professionals within the cultural heritage sector, and dialogical spaces for knowledge exchange on inclusive cultural literacy and practice.

Susan Kelly's picture

Dr Shilpi Roy honoured with Women Planner Award (Research) by the Bangladesh Institute of Planners

We are pleased to report that on 11 March, Dr Shilpi Roy of Khulna University, was honoured with respect to her role as a leading female urban planner by the Bangladesh Institute of Planners, the national professional organization of the Planners of Bangladesh.

Henrik Zipsane's picture

The European Museum Academy Reports on The Museum Temperature by the end of 2020

How are museums doing in Europe? The European Museum Academy Reports on The Museum Temperature by the end of 2020. The European Museum Academy is proud to present for the third year in a row the following more subjective inside views about how museums are doing and what the museums experience as their current challenges, be it political, financial, organisational or something else.

Henrik Zipsane's picture

Museums as Agents in the New Age of Volunteering

The drive for volunteering has many roots in and impacts on societal development. It has been acknowledged as a variety of outcomes from volunteering. When the European Union by decision in 2009 made 2011 the European Year of Volunteering the objectives were set high:

Raul Valdes-Cotera's picture

Invitation: Fifth International Conference on Learning Cities (27-30 October 2021)

Oct 27 2021 15:16
Oct 30 2021 15:16
UNESCO learning city of Yeonsu
Korea, Republic of  Korea, Republic of

Register by 19 October 2021 for the fifth International Conference on Learning Cities at Yoensu in the Republic of Korea from 27-30 October at this link. Further details of the programme are featured below and attached, and we are pleased to announce that amongst the presenters and moderators are PASCAL representatives, Professors Robbie Guevara, Roberta Piazza and Michael Osborne, Director of CR&DALL at the University of Glasgow.

Catherine Lido's picture

Workshop on Cultural Heritage and Impact Assessment: Report for the second online workshop, 19 May, 2021

*** UPDATED ***

This joint meeting was the second online workshop and third cross-organisation meeting between PASCAL International Observatory (Learning City Network on Cultural Heritage Education), the European Museums Academy (EMA), and SoPHIA – a project aiming to further promote collective reflection with the cultural and political sectors in Europe on the impact and quality of interventions in the European historical environment and cultural heritage at an urban level to promote a holistic impact assessment model, indicators, and standards.

Henrik Zipsane's picture

PASCAL joins with European Museum Academy to debate issues affecting impact of cultural heritage

The Social Platform for Holistic Heritage Impact Assessment (SoPHIA project) has hosted a virtual stakeholders conference 21-22 April to debate issues around measuring heritage and its impact in Europe. SoPHIA is an EU research and innovation Horizon 2020 funded project of which PASCAL  is a  member.

Marten Ma's picture

Learning Festivals Taiwanese Style

Festivals are becoming an established way in which people in cities and local communities can engage in and celebrate new ways of learning.  They are said to have a positive effect on an individual’s well-being and having wider benefits for communities and society. 

Henrik Zipsane's picture

An introduction to, and an invitation from, the SoPHIA project

SoPHIA – Social Platform for Holistic Heritage Impact Assessment – is a project funded under the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation scheme, led by Roma Tre University in collaboration with other six organizations in Europe.